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up-to-date electronics for lab and leisure 




April 1975 35p 

elektor april 1975 - 405 










Under this heading elektor mill be publishing selected items about nem technologies and developments. 

tap preamp (part 1) 

Elektor readers will by now be familiar with the TAP or Touch Activated Programmer. For reliability and ease 
of operation all the preamplifier functions are controlled by TAP's and mechanical switches and potentiometers 
are eliminated. 

pll systems 

It is the intention of this article to give an introduction to Phase- Locked- Loop (PLL) systems, without assuming 
any advanced mathematical knowledge on behalf of the reader, nor any familiarity with the subject. 

decimal to bed converter — J. Wittje 


Fido is a new electronic game in which an unfortunate dog is called by four masters at the same time. If one of 
the players succeeds in getting Fido into his kennel, the game is decided: Fido stays where he is. 

elektor services to readers 

time machine - H.U. Heinz 

Slowly-developing technological processes or natural events cannot be perceived because the eye is generally not 
able to distinguish the separate stages. Such events and processes can, however, be visualised by means of 
cinematographic time compression. 

marine diesel 

noise generator — J. Jacobs 

minidrum (part 2) 

The Minidrum described in the previous issue may, by the addition of various extra circuits, be extended to a 
comprehensive manual drum kit. Some new instruments, a three channel ruffle system and an automatic bass- 
drum are described in this article. 


Compressors are now being used on an ever-increasing scale. They may be found in tape recorders, intercom 
systems and baby alarms, public address systems, discotheques and of course broadcast transmitters. A com- 
pressor supplements a manual volume control and allows a system to adjust itself to a wide range of input 
signals with little distortion. 

The design described here should find a wide range of applications with the electronics enthusiast. 

disc preamp 

A preamplifier-equaliser for magnetic pickup cartridges has to meet quite exacting requirements. The well-known 
two-transistor configuration, operating from a 12 ... 18 V supply, invariably falls short on gain and overdrive- 
margin - unless it is designed for a low nominal output voltage (about 30 mV). An alternative approach is to 
make use of a good integrated amplifier. The design described here, which meets all the requirements, 
employs a SN 76131 . An almost identical I.C. is the ftA 739. 

a/d converter 

The necessity to convert a voltage to a frequency such that the frequency is accurately proportional to the 
voltage is one which arises in many different electronic systems. Some digital voltmeters use this principle. 
The circuit described here is relatively simple, but nonetheless the absolute error is less than 1 .5 mV and the 
relative error less than 1 % over an input voltage range of 7 mV to 2.5 V. 

led displays 

In response to numerous requests from readers we publish this LED-display chart to enable constructors to 
find their way through the jungle of seven-segment display data. 

modulation systems (part 2) 


410 — elektor april 1975 





Figure 1. Touch panels for the TAP's. The 
contact surfaces and legends are nickel plated 
with a black background. 

Figure 2. The circuit of the four-position TAP. 
Touching one of the input contacts causes the 
corresponding output to become 'V and all 
other outputs to become 'O'. 

Figure 3. Circuit to show the principle of an 
electronic 'make' contact. The LED indicates 
that the contact is 'closed'. 

Figure 4. Extension of the circuit of figure 3 
to control two channels. 

In a previous issue (elektor no. 2), in the article entitled 'Sonant', a new 
design of audio preamplifier and control unit was discussed, which would 
complement the power amplifier/loudspeaker combination of the 
Sonant. This article describes the design and construction of such a 
'Pre-sonant', which combines high performance with simplicity of 

Figure 5. The make contact applied to a four- 
preset-level volume control. The values of 
R 15‘ R 22 determine the four preset volume 

Figure 6. The ele ctr onic 'break' contact. When 
a ‘1 * appears at input Q„ T^ and T 2 are cut off 
and the LED lights to show that the contact 
is 'open'. 

Elektor readers will by now be familiar 
with the TAP or Touch Activated Pro- 
grammer. For reliability and ease of 
operation all the preamplifier functions 
are controlled by TAP’s and mechanical 
switches and potentiometers are elimin- 
ated. This necessarily leads to some 
simplification of control functions, as 
such things as volume and tone control 
can now be implemented only in discrete 
steps. This is perhaps no bad thing, as 
the front panels of some modem ampli- 
fiers look like something from ‘Star Trek’ 
and one wonders if a training course is 
necessary to operate them. This design 
is, therefore, not suitable for the dedi- 
cated knob twiddler! 

Assuming that the recording engineer has 
done his job properly, many control 
functions may be removed from the 
front panel of the preamp and may be 
replaced by internal presets. This applies 
to balance and tone controls, which may 
be adjusted to suit room acoustics and 
personal taste, after which no further 
adjustment should be necessary. The 
number of control functions was thus 
reduced to the following: 

Input Selection: Disc, Radio, Tape, 

Four preset levels. 

Four settings from 
mono to ‘extreme 

Bass lift, ‘Presence’, 
Rat, Treble cut. 

It is hoped in a later article to include a 
touch station selector for radio. The 
layout of the touch panels is shown in 
figure 1. These are available from the 
Elektor Print Service. 

Four Position TAP 

All the controls mentioned above are 
based on the four-position TAP shown 
in figure 2, which is designed around an 
RCA COSMOS IC type CD4011AE, a 
quad two-input NAND gate. The circuit 
operates as follows: 

When the circuit is first switched on the 
output of one of the gates will set to ‘1’ 
and all the others are held at ‘0’ since a 
‘1’ is applied to their inputs via the input 

Image Width: 


resistors connected to +Vj, and via the 
diodes from the output of the gate whose 
output is M’. Which output sets to ‘1’ on 
initial switch on is determined by the 
switching speed of the individual gates 
and the various resistor tolerances. 
Suppose now that input 1 is touched. 
Pin 1 of gate Ni is now held at ‘0’ by the 
skin resistance, the output therefore be- 
comes ‘1’. This ‘1’ is applied to the 
inputs of the other three gates via D4 , 
D 7 and Dio respectively. Since the other 
input of each of these gates is already 
at ‘1’ via the input resistors R 4 , R s , R 7 , 
R g , R 10 and R n the output of N 2 -N 4 
becomes ‘O’. The logic level on the anodes 
of D! , D 2 and D 3 becomes ‘0’ and pin 2 
of N! is held at ‘0’ by R 3 . Thus when 
input 1 is released the output of N ! re- 
mains at ‘ 1 ’. This explanation applies for 
all the other inputs. Only one output 
can be a ‘1’ at any time. 

The TAP is used to control two types of 
electronic switch, a make contact, as 
shown in figure 3 and a break contact as 
shown in figure 6. When a ‘1’ is applied 
to the Q x input in figure 3, Tj is turned 
on. Current flows through the LED and 
resistor into the base of T 2 , which is also 
turned on. The LED lights to indicate 
that this switch position is activated. 
The modifications necessary to switch 
two channels are shown in figure 4. Ti is 
now used to switch two transistors and 
the base resistors are doubled in value 
(within the limits of preferred resistor 
values) to keep the LED current the 

The Break Contact 

The circuit of figure 6 operates in an 
inverse manner to that of figure 4. When 
the Q x input is at ‘0’ Tj is turned off. 
However, T 2 and T 3 are turned on by 
current flowing into their bases via the 
LED, R 2 , R 3 and 114. The ‘contact’ is 
thus normally ‘closed’. When a ‘1’ is 
applied to the Q x input T 1 is turned on 
thus grounding the bases of T 2 and T 3 
and turning them off. Current flows 
through the LED via R 2 and Tj so that 
it lights. 

As an example of the use of the make 
contact a four-setting volume control is 
shown in figure 5 . For the left channel 
R13 and R 15 -R 2 i comprise a potentio- 
meter, likewise R 14 and Ri 6 -Rm for the 
right channel. When one of the inputs 

Q1-Q4 is high then the corresponding 
transistorsT s /T 6 -Tii/T| 2 are turned on, 
grounding one end of the corresponding 
collector resistor R 15 /R 16 -R 21 /R 22 • The 
attenuation depends on the value of the 
resistor that is grounded and may be 

varied to suit personal taste. After attenu- 
ation the signal is fed into the base of 
T,3 (T 14 ) and the output is taken from 
the collector. This and the other control 
circuits will be discussed in greater detail 
in next month’s article. H 

pll systems 

behalf of the reader, nor any 
familiarity with the subject. 

The need for such an introduction stems from the ever-increasing use of PLL circuits in consumer electronics 
and from the increasing complexity of these circuits, which is threatening to make new developments in this 
field incomprehensible to many electronics enthusiasts. The article also deals with Feedback PLL systems, 
which are in many ways superior to conventional PLL circuits. 

A simple receiver using the Feedback PLL principle will be described in a future issue. 

It is the intention of this article 
to give an introduction to Phase- 
Locked-Loop (PLL) systems, 
without assuming any advanced 
mathematical knowledge on 

A phase-locked-loop is a control system 
in which an electrical quantity is con- 
trolled by the phase difference between 
two signals. Figure 1 shows a block dia- 
gram of an arbitrary servo control sys- 

Ax and Ay are quantities of the same 
form such as A.C. or D.C. potentials. 
These quantities are compared with one 
another in block C by, for example, 
multiplication or subtraction. The result 
of the comparison is processed in block C 
in such a way that quantity Ay is ad- 
justed. The form of processing deter- 
mines a number of the control charac- 
teristics such as the control time 
constant. Quantity Ay is readjusted in 
such a way that a state of equilibrium is 
reached at the output of C. 

Figure 2 is a block diagram of a PLL. In 
this case control is based on the phase 
difference between the input signal (1) 
and the signal (2) from a Voltage- 
Controlled Oscillator (VCO) so the con- 
tents of block <j> must be able to recognize 
this difference. 

The VCO is controlled in such a way 
that a specific phase difference is main- 
tained between the output from the VCO 
and the input signal. The speed with 
which the PLL adjusts the VCO to follow 
any change in the input signal depends, 
in the first instance, on the characteristics 
of the low-pass filter LPF. 

When two signals are multiplied together, 
the product includes a component that 
is proportional to their phase difference 
and that can be filtered out from the 
other components. Block <t> performs this 
multiplication. In practical circuits the 
input signal is multiplied by a square- 
wave output from the VCO, which means 
in effect that alternate half cycles of the 
VCO square wave multiply the input 
signal by +1 and —1. The waveforms in 
figure 3 should make it easier to under- 
stand the mode of operation. 

In figure 3a the input (represented as a 
sinusoid) is shown and below it a VCO 
square wave of the same frequency is 
repeated with phase relationships varying 
progressively from in-phase to 1 80 lead- 
ing (figures 3b, 3d, 3f, 3h and 3j). During 

the positive half-cycles of the VCO 
square wave (in any particular phase) the 
associated ‘product’ waveform (fig- 
ures 3c, 3e, 3g, 3i and 3k) is the same as 
the input sine wave of 3a. During the 
negative half-cycles of the square wave 
the sine wave of 3a is polarity-changed 
in the product waveform. This is equiv- 
alent to multiplying the two waveforms 

In the first product waveform (3c), which 
is associated with the in-phase square 
wave 3b, it will be seen that the product 
never becomes negative, in fact it is a 
full-wave rectified version of the sine 
wave. Its filtered D.C. value is thus 
unmistakably positive. When the square 
wave is leading by 45°, as in 3d, the 
product 3e clearly has a greater area 
above the line than below. Its mean 
D.C. level is therefore also positive, but 
less than 3c. When the square wave leads 
by 90°, as in 3f, the product 3g has equal 
areas above and below the line, so its 
D.C. value is zero. With leads greater 
than 90° the D.C. value of the product 
becomes negative, reaching a maximum 
(negative) value at +180° (3h to 3k). 
Summarising; the D.C. value of the prod- 
uct waveform varies from a maximum 
positive value when the square wave is 
in phase with the input signal, through 
zero when the square wave leads by 90°, 
to a maximum negative value when the 
square wave leads by 180°. 

Assume now that the input and VCO 
frequencies are precisely equal and that 
the PLL is locked in (ignoring, for the 
moment, how it got that way). The 

VCO square wave will be leading th 
input signal by 90° and the D.C. outpi 
of the phase comparator (multiplier) w 
be zero. Suppose now that the VCO fn 
quency tends to increase. The phase lea 
will become greater than 90° and tl 
D.C. output of the phase comparator w 
become negative. This will tend to t 
duce the VCO frequency and lock will l 
maintained with a slight increase ii 
phase lead. Conversely, if the VCO fn 
quency tends to decrease, the output ( 
the phase comparator wEl become pos 
tive, which will tend to increase the VO 

It can be shown that the input signal ci 
also lock to harmonics of the VCO fn 
quency, or the VCO to harmonics of th 
input signal (if the input signal is r 
sinusoidal as previously assumed). It j 
also possible to insert a frequency dividj 
between the VCO and the phase cob 
parator and by a combination of fn 
quency divider and harmonic locking tl 
ratio of VCO frequency to input frj 
quency can be made to assume peculij 
values such as 16/3 for example. Th] 
opens up intriguing possibilities for frj 
quency synthesis. 

The capture process 

Until now it has been assumed that tl 
PLL is locked in. It is now necessary I 
consider what happens when the circil 
is switched on and the VCO is out | 
lock, as it almost certainly will be. ' 
short answer is that the VCO hunts uni 
it finds a frequency and phase to whif 
it can lock. 

Some understanding of the capture pJ 
cess, as it is called, may fortunately j 
acquired without mathematics if tl 
behaviour of the circuit is examined I 
certain points in the loop and cert if 
assumptions are made. 

To assist in the explanation, assume fid 
that the connection between the Ll| 
output and the VCO input is broken. 1 
VCO, deprived of a control voltage, * 
take up its free-running frequency whi 
may be assumed to be lower than tl 
input frequency. It has already beJ 
assumed, when discussing the locked! 

pll systems 

elektor april 1975 - 413 

Figure 1. A control system consists of an infor- 
mation source Ax, a comparator circuit C, a 
processing circuit B and a controllable quan- 

FigureZ The elements of a PLL are: the phase 
comparator 0, the low-pass filter LPF, and the 
controllable oscillator VCO. 

Figure 3. Showing how the output of the phase 
comparator varies with the phase difference 
between the input signal and the VCO. 

Figure 4. Diagram to illustrate how the differ- 
ence frequency waveform changes during one 
cycle of the capture transient. 

condition, that the VCO frequency in- 
creases when the VCO control voltage 
goes positive and decreases when it goes 
negative. It may also be assumed that the 
LPF completely removes frequencies 
equal to the sum of the input and VCO I 
frequencies, that it passes D.C. with no | 
attenuation and that it passes the differ- [ 
ence frequency of the VCO and input [ 
signal with some attenuation, which de- I 
creases as the difference frequency de- 
creases (i.e. as the VCO frequency ap- 
proaches the input frequency). 

While the VCO is running free because of 
the supposed broken connection a differ- 
ence-frequency oscillation of constant 
amplitude appears at the LPF output. 
When the connection is re-made what 
next happens must be examined careful- 
ly. As pull-in has not yet taken place a 
difference frequency still exists and an 
oscillatory voltage is fed to the VCO con- 
trol input. 

Consider now one positive swing of the 
VCO control voltage from trough to crest 
(figure 4). The VCO control voltage is 
going positive, therefore the VCO fre- 
quency is increasing and the difference 
frequency is decreasing. Because of the 
decreasing difference frequency the 
attenuation of the difference frequency 
signal in the LPF will be progressively 
reduced and the overall swing of the 
VCO control voltage will have greater 
amplitude than with the VCO free- 
running. Figure 4a compares the positive- 
going swings under controlled and free- 
running conditions, starting from the 
same trough potential and time. The crest 
of the controlled swing is more positive 
and it occurs later because the difference 
frequency is decreasing. 

Figure 4b shows what happens during a 
negative (crest-to-trough) swing. Here the 
VCO control voltage is going negative 
and the VCO frequency is decreasing, so 
the difference frequency is increasing. 
Attenuation in the LPF is thus progress- 
ively increasing; overall amplitude is less 
than when free-running and the trough 
occurs sooner. 

Figure 4b is added onto 4a to show what 
will happen during one complete trough- 

414 — elektor april 1975 

to-trough cycle of the difference signal. 
The positive-going half cycle has a more 
positive peak than the free-running dif- 
ference signal. This ‘handicaps’ the nega- 
tive-going half signal and its reduced 
amplitude also helps to make the trough 
more positive than it would be in the 
free-running condition. 

Later cycles of the capture-transient, as 
it is called, cannot be compared with the 
free-running waveform, but they follow 
the same general pattern. Positive-going 
swings have increased amplitude while 
negative-going swings have reduced am- 
plitude. This results in both crests and 
troughs becoming progressively more 
positive whilst the time interval between 
them becomes longer. This means that 
the VCO frequency will also increase 
until a point is reached where one of 
these swings of the control voltage 
sweeps the VCO frequency through the 
input frequency. More swings may occur 
until the VCO has found the correct 
phase relationship before lock-in actually 

Applications of Phase Locked 

A PLL provides two information out- 
puts. The VCO frequency, which is re- 
lated to the input frequency, and the 
VCO control voltage whose value de- 
pends on the phase difference between 
the input signal and the VCO output. 

If the desired information contained in 
the input signal is in the form of a fre- 
quency change (i.e. frequency modu- 
lation) then the PLL may be used as an 
FM detector. Its advantages over ratio 
detectors and coincidence detectors are: 
less distortion, better suppression of in- 
terference and the absence of LC circuits. 
PLL’s are also useful in frequency syn- 
thesis as figure 5 shows. In the example 
given in figure 5a the condition for lock- 
in is that fc/nv = f r and with a channel 
spacing of Af we have Af = f r . The fre- 
quencies delivered by the VCO are thus 
multiples of the reference frequency and 
it follows that the VCO frequency is 
itself determined by the division ratio n v . 
In many practical cases a variable-ratio 
divider will not be able to accept a high 
VCO frequency directly, so the VCO fre- 
quency is fed first to a stable fixed-ratio 
divider and from this to a stable adjust- 
able divider. With this procedure it is 
possible to divide down from a relatively 
high carrier frequency to a low channel- 
spacing frequency. This is useful in, for 
example, aircraft VHF equipment. 

In figure 5b an arrangement for fre- 
quency synthesis is shown in which delta 
pulses (needle pulses) recurring at the 
reference frequency from a crystal oscil- 
lator are fed into the phase comparator 
together with the VCO signal. As delta 
pulses contain the odd and even har- 
monics of the fundamental frequency 
the PLL can lock onto any harmonic. 

Construction of a PLL 

a. The VCO 

Requirements for the VCO depend, in 
the first instance, on the application of 

Figure 5a. By inserting a variable-ratio f 
quency divider between the VCO and the phi 
comparator it is possible to obtain various f 
quencies from the VCO using a single reference 
frequency f r 

Figure 5b. With this system a large number i 
frequencies may be obtained by a simpk 
method than in figure 5a, though at the ei 
pense of stability which generally decreases i 

Figure 6a. This VCO ci 
good linearity and wi 
up to 50 MHz. 

Figure 6b. This VCO circuit consists of a 
LC oscillator tuned and/or controlled by 
varicap diode. If the oscillator is also used ft 
tuning a receiver (i.e. as the local oscillator) 
is known as a tuneable voltage-controlle 
oscillator (TVCOI. 

Figure 8. The symmetrical multiplier is used ^ 
almost all PLL IC's and can also be obtain 
as an 1C in its own right. It may be co 
structed successfully from disc re 

components also. 

used, provided that the low-pass filter can 
vide sufficient suppression of the input 
quencies. This type of circuit is used in 
input section of an OTA and a PLL of 
performance can, in fact, be built with 
OTA type CA3080. 

Figure 10. If RF transformers are used, a chea 
multiplier may be built using four identic^ 


pll systems 

elektor april 1975 — 415 



1 of 



r) it 

the PLL. When it is to be used as an 
FM detector the linearity (Frequency 
change v. control voltage change) should 
be as good as possible, while for fre- 
quency synthesis this is unimportant but 
high stability is essential. 
Voltage-controlled multivibrators or 
varicap-tuned LC oscillators, like those 
shown in figures 6a and 6b respectively, 
generally have to be made up from 
discrete components, while integrated 
PLL circuits, such as the Signetics 565 
shown in figure 7, rely on the triggering 

Where a PLL is to be operated with a 
fluctuating supply voltage the VCO fre- 
quency should be independent of volt- 
age, or alternatively a stabilised supply 
may be used. 

b. Phase Comparator 

The output from the phase comparator 
or multiplier must be dependent solely 
on the product of the signals fed into it. 
This requirement is basically met by any 
non-linear component, subject to the 
proviso that the input signals also appear 
in the output. It is important to ensure 
that these signals have no detrimental 
effect on the performance of the system. 
An even more important requirement is 
that the output should not contain any 
D.C. components resulting from rectifi- 
cation of the input signals, as this can 
cause ‘mistracking’ and may even cause 
the PLL to go out of lock. 

If a balanced multiplier as shown in 
figure 8 is used impairments such as these 
can easily be avoided. The input signals 
are suppressed by the circuit and no 
rectification occurs. If suppression of 
the input signals is not required it is 
possible to use an asymmetric multiplier 
such as the example in figure 9. A circuit 
of this kind is included in the input of 
an operational transconductance ampli- 

fier (OTA) such as the CA 3080. This IC 
performs well in PLL circuits. 

It will be understood that rectification 
of the input signals can occur in this case, 
but nonetheless a satisfactory degree of 
AM suppression may be achieved. 

The best performance in this respect is 
achieved when the VCO output is fed 
into the asymmetric input and the input 
signal into the symmetrical input. The 
amplitudes of the signals should not 
exceed 0.5 V and 0.05 V respectively. 
The degree of AM suppression that may 
be obtained is almost as high as with a 
symmetrical multiplier. 

If R.F. transformers are available it is 
possible to use a diode ring modulator as 
a multiplier as in figure 10, but this is a 
rather old-fashioned method. 

The simplest, but unfortunately also the 
worst, solution for a phase comparator 
consists of a single semiconductor device 
that is fed with a VCO signal large enough 
to switch it on and off continuously. 
Because of the inevitable feedback from 
the circuit to the VCO a buffer stage is 
essential, as in the arrangement of fig- 
ure 1 1 . The phase comparator here is 
reduced to a mixer, so it appears that 
any mixer may be used as a phase com- 
parator. The problems that it introduces, 
however, cannot be eliminated without 
adjustment using expensive test equip- 
ment. Symmetrical phase comparators, 
on the other hand, give satisfactory re- 

sults with very little outlay on test 

c. The low-pass filter 

The low-pass filter (LPF) is the circuit 
that determines the bandwidth of a PLL. 
Simple RC filters, a few examples of 
which are given in figure 12, usually 
suffice. Examples b, c and d are suitable 
for symmetrical phase comparators, 
while a is applicable to asymmetric 
arrangements. As a general rule resistor R 
is already a component in the phase 

Although the calculation of component 
values for the low-pass filter is easily 
accomplished when using IC PLL’s by 
referring to the manufacturer’s data, 
sophisticated test equipment is needed 
to evaluate the performance of a PLL at 
frequencies in excess of 10 MHz. Filter d 
is the most suitable for home-built 

The cut-off frequency of the RC combi- 
nation formed by C 2 and the output 
resistance of the phase comparator is 
determined by the lowest frequency to 
be detected (20 Hz in Hi-Fi FM). The 
cut-off frequency of the second RC sec- 
tion, formed by P(at its maximum value) 
and C, both connected in parallel with 
the output resistance, is determined by 
the maximum PLL input frequency de- 
viation. Any desired bandwidth, up to 
a maximum determined by the loop gain 
and the input signal amplitude, may now 
be set with P. 

Problems experienced with PLL's 

Theoretically a PLL detector exhibits 
great advantages over other FM detec- 
tors, but in practice these are difficult 
to realise fully. There are two basic criti- 
cal factors: 

1 . VCO frequency stability 

2. Signal/noise ratio 

416 - elektor april 1975 

To obtain good stability the D.C. supply 
to the VCO must be temperature-com- 
pensated, and this applies also to the 
phase comparator if the control input 
to the VCO is asymmetric. In addition 
the components whose values affect 
VCO frequency should have zero tem- 
perature coefficients. These requirements 
are difficult to meet and in practice the 
VCO centre frequency often drifts sev- 
eral percent over the working tempera- 
ture range. For this reason it is advisable 
to choose the lowest possible working 
frequency. The lowest usable working 
frequency depends on the FM signal 
bandwidth and with the 200 kHz usual 
in FM broadcasting satisfactory opera- 
tion is possible with a working frequency 
as low as 450 kHz. Frequency drift at 
this low working frequency may be 
neglected; however, a receiver using this 
principle must employ double conver- 
sion techniques (i.e. it must be a double 
superhet receiver) and will inevitably cost 
more than a conventional receiver. 

Both the VCO and the phase com- 
parator generate some noise, so the de- 
modulated signal level must be as high 
as possible in relation to that noise. The 
PLL output-signal amplitude is pro- 
portional to the quotient of the devi- 
ation f and the working frequency, which 
in a receiver is of course the intermediate 
frequency fjp. With an intermediate fre- 
quency of 10.7 MHz and a deviation of 
75 kHz this quotient is about 0.007, 
while with an IF of 450 kHz it is 0. 17 so 
that the lower frequency improves the 
signal-to-noise-ratio by about 28 dB. 

A PLL constructed from discrete com- 
ponents, working at 450 kHz and using 
the phase comparator of figure 8 and the 
VCO of figure 6a, can achieve a signal- 
to-noise-ratio of 60 dB on a stereophonic 

Feedback PLL 

As outlined above, the main problem 
when using a conventional PLL as an FM 
detector arises from the standardisation 
on 10.7 MHz as an IF frequency. This 
means that practically all commercially 
available FM front-ends have an IF out- 
put at this frequency. In addition, special 
provision has to be made for the deri- 
vation of an automatic frequency cor- 
rection (AFC) control voltage from the 
PLL. However, by removing some of the 
components from the AFC loop in a 
conventional tuner the local oscillator 
can be used as a VCO. The linearity of 
such a VCO can be quite good since the 
75 kHz deviation is small in relation to 
the working frequency (around 
100 MHz). The reference frequency for 
the phase comparator can be supplied 
by a stable oscillator in which the fre- 
quency-determining element is a quartz 
crystal or a ceramic filter, so that VCO 
phase jitter noise, which is relatively 
strong at 10.7 MHz, is avoided. 

Figure 1 3 is a block diagram of a feed- 
back PLL. The aerial signal is mixed with 
the output from the tuneable voltage- 
controlled oscillator (TVCO) to give a 
10.7 MHz signal that is fed through 

Figure 11. This circuit may be used as a phase 
comparator, but unwanted demodulation prod- 
ucts arise due to modulation. This precludes its 
use as an FM detector. 

Figure 12. Of these low-pass filter circuits 
version d is best for home construction as it is 
least critical to set up. 

Figure 11 Feedback PLL differs essentially 
from conventional PLL insofar as it includes 
the I F filter in the control loop. This results in 
a substantial reduction in the IF signal devi- 
ation, to the extent that the I F bandwidth can 
be low enough for m to be unity or less. This 
makes alignment of the bandpass filter and 
component values in the lowpass filter ex- 
ceedingly critical and for these reasons it is 
better to choose a larger bandwidth. There are 
a number of feedback PLL systems in which 
the principal aim is to maintain the modulation 
index as consistently as possible at unity. The 
complexity of such systems, however, as well 
as the difficulty of aligning them, limits their 
use to radio amateurs with sufficient theoreti- 
cal knowledge and to space-travel communi- 


pil systems 

decimal to bed converter 

elektor april 1975 — 417 






an IF filter to the phase comparator. The 
other input to the phase comparator 
receives a high-stability 10.7 MHz refer- 
ence signal from the reference oscillator, 
thus, when the signal is locked in, the 
TVCO follows the aerial signal deviation. 
This means that the deviation of the 
10.7 MHz signal is considerably reduced, 
hence the name ‘Feedback PLL’. Because 
of this reduced deviation the IF band- 
width is much smaller than in a con- 
ventional receiver. 

In the article entitled ‘Modulation Sys- 
tems’ the minimum bandwidth of an 
FM signal is given as: 

bmin. = 2(m+ l)f LFmax 

and this relationship is valid when 
m > 1. In a feedback PLL, however, the 
IF-signal modulation index is consider- 
ably less than 1 which accounts for the 
reduced bandwidth. The significant 
advantage of a feedback PLL system lies 
in the IF bandwidth, which becomes 
independent of deviation and in fact 
depends only on the highest modulation 
frequency. This gives improved signal-to- 
noise ratio and lower distortion com- 
pared to a conventional receiver, al- 
though the degree of improvement de- 
pends on the original modulation index 
of the aerial signal. 

For mono FM transmissions, with a 
maximum modulation frequency of 
15 kHz and a modulation index of 5, the 
IF bandwidth in a conventional receiver 
must be 1 80 kHz, whilst the bandwidth 
in a feedback PLL receiver is only 
30 kHz. The ratio is considerably less 
unfavourable for stereo transmissions 
however, as the highest modulation fre- 
quency of 53 kHz means that the feed- 
back PLL IF must have a bandwidth of 
106 kHz. The principle of feedback PLL 
was known before the introduction of 
stereo FM broadcasting but unfortunate- 
ly this did nothing to prevent the intro- 
duction of multiplex stereo systems and 
so any improvements that might have 
been made in stereo reception were 
thrown away. 

It is still true to say, however, that a 
feedback PLL receiver similar to fig- 
ure 1 3 gives a considerable saving in cost 
compared to a conventional receiver with 
comparable performance. Feed- 
back PLL systems are of particular in- 
terest to radio amateurs, because signifi- 
cant improvements in signal-to-noise 
ratio may be realised if a low maximum 
modulation frequency is specified. How- 
ever, as far as the author is aware, little 
work has been carried out in this field. 
This is surprising as the principles in- 
volved have been known for many years 
and the VHF and UHF amateur bands 
offer unlimited possibilities for experi- 


PLL is particularly suitable for frequency 
synthesis and for demodulation of 
FM signals. When used as an FM detector 
the relative deviation of the input signal 
should be as high as possible. This 
involves the use of multiple frequency 

conversion which is too expensive for 
the consumer market and too compli- 
cated for many home constructors. 
Feedback PLL’s may be used at high 
frequencies and offer the advantages of 
reduced IF bandwidth and lower dis- 
tortion with the absence of conventional 
AFC. Full exploitation of the potential 
of feedback PLL’s is probably too ex- 
pensive for consumer applications. Never- 
theless, simplified feedback PLL circuits 

are feasible and are indeed cheaper than 
conventional receivers. They should, 
therefore, be of interest in consumer 

VHF and UHF radio amateurs are par- 
ticularly well placed to take advantage 
of feedback PLL techniques, as their 
own experience makes them familiar 
with the RF work involved. 

A simple feedback PLL FM receiver will 
be described in a future issue of Elektor. 


J. Wittje 

decimal to bed converter 

This converter can be used as a manual 
encoder which will convert decimal 
coded signals into BCD codes and drive 
digital circuits. Furthermore, the con- 
verter can be used as a teaching aid for 
explaining the BCD code. 

One 1C and six germanium diodes are 
sufficient for converting a decimal num- 
ber into a BCD number. A switch for zero 
is not provided because the converter 
automatically indicates zero when all 

switches are open. The reverse resistance 
of the diodes must be as high as possible 
(if necessary, check with an ohmmeter) 
and the gate inputs can be provided with 
a pull-up resistor connected to the posi- 
tive supply voltage. 

If the circuit is to be used to explain the 
BCD code, the BCD-output conditions 
can be indicated by means of LED’s. The 
circuit for the required buffer stage is 
shown in figure 2. H 

418 - elektor april 1975 

A. Seitz 


Fido is a new electronic game in 
which an unfortunate dog is called 
by four masters at the same time. 
The command "Fido come" is given by means of a pushbutton. At each 
push on one of the four buttons controlled by each player Fido jumps in 
the required direction. However, the four masters and/or mistresses have 
one handicap: After one successful command to Fido, the would-be Fido 
owner who has given the order has nothing more to say for a certain 
time. Then the other players can go on with Fido. If one of the players 
succeeds in getting Fido into his kennel, the game is decided: Fido stays 
where he is. 

Construction and operation 

l! Since Fido is clever enough to let him- 
I self be represented by a small incan- 
| descent lamp, he is not going to suffer 
I from an otherwise unavoidable nervous 
I breakdown. The worst that can happen is 
I that after a prolonged fight for mastery 
I over Fido our doggy will suffer from a 
I flat battery. 

I On the playing board nine lamps are 
I arranged in a square (figure 1). On the 
I extension of each side there is a lamp 
I representing a kennel (so in total four). 

| Furthermore, at each of the corners 
| there are four push buttons with a pilot 
lamp to indicate when a player can join 
| the game. The buttons make Fido jump 
i in four directions (away, towards, left or 
I right with respect to the particular 
| player). The photograph also shows that 
the “gaming table” is provided with an 
I on/off switch, an interval switch (coarse) 
and an interval control (fine) for setting 
I the obligatory rest period for the players, 
j These switches can be calibrated “blood- 
i hound/whippet” and “dog-tired . . . alert” 

I respectively. 

i Furthermore there is a switch to disable 
the “rest” lamps and there is also a 
starting switch. By pushing this button, 

I Fido takes up his position in the centre 
| of the field ; i.e. the middle lamp is alight. 
By pushing one of his buttons, each 
player can now try to direct Fido into 
his kennel. Once a player has pushed a 
button, he is obliged to take a breather 
before he can push a button again. The 
! lamps fitted near the buttons indicate 
when the next command can be given. 
Each player can give only one command 
at a time. If an impatient player pushes 
his button too soon, the penalty is a new 
start of the waiting period. So Fido will 
not respond to a command that comes 
too early. 

To make the game a bit more exciting, 
the pilot lamps can be switched off, so 
that each player must just guess when he 
may next give a command. 

by nine lamps arranged in a square. These 
lamps are located at the intersections of 
3x3 matrix rails. The signals for these 
rails are driven by two left/right shift 
registers. The clock pulses to the registers 
are produced by the players pushing one 
of the buttons. Since each player has 
four buttons at his disposal, Fido can be 
sent in all directions including the kennel 
of another player. 

The directing signals for left, right, up 
and down are coupled into the registers 
via the multiplexer. Once in a comer, the 
dog can be made to jump into the kennel 
situated below the comers as seen from 
the player’s position. The register input 
driving the “kennel” flipflop is so con- 
nected that the command for jumping 
is only followed if the other register, too, 
is in the proper position. The lamp field 
is blocked to prevent lamps from lighting 
up after a jump into the kennel. At the 
same time all register outputs are blocked 
so that no more “kennel” flipflops can 
be driven. 

The game is started by pushing the j 
starting button; then all the “kennel” I 
flipflops are reset and the two shift I 
registers take up a central position. In I 
that case the middle lamp is alight. 

The left/right shift register 

Figure 3 shows how a flipflop can be! 
turned into a “flipflopflap”. The inputs! 
of each nand are connected to the out-l 
puts of the other nands. Consequently,* 
only one output at a time can be low! 
(“0”). This “0”-signal produces a high! 
output level (“1”) at all the other nands;! 
these high levels in turn cause the low! 
output level on the first nand. A negative-* 
going pulse on one of the coupling rails! 
causes all nands connected to this rail tol 
change to “1”, whereas the nand whose! 
output is connected to this rail ensures® 
that this rail remains “0”. 

If gates with a so-called totem-pole® 
output are used (7400, 7420 and 7430W 
the outputs must be separated by means! 
a diode as otherwise none of the* 


The block diagram 

Fido’s position in the field is indicated 

Figure 1. Artist's impression of Fido. 

Figure 2. The block diagram. The command- 
units also comprise the waiting time indication. 
The push button "start" resets all "kennel" 
flipflops and sets the registers at the central 
positions, so that the lamp in the center of the 
field lights up. Multiple connections between 
the circuits are indicated by means of broad 

Figure 3. The development of a multiple 
flipflop starting from the fundamental prin- 

a. Two methods of drawing a simple flipflop 

b. A 3-fold flipflop 

c. A 5-fold flipflop. 

„ j outputs would change to low (figure 3c). 
Ll” With types with an open collector output 
l? t I this is not strictly necessary, although 
n I it is recommended to keep the input load 
I of the pulse low. 

I In that case the “0” must, after each 
J pulse, shift one position to the right, 
I left, top or bottom. So we need a 
memory which remembers what coupling 
rail is carrying a “0” signal before the 
pulse, and a circuit that determines 
in what direction the shift should take 

The memory is formed by Ci, (C 2 , C 3 , 
figure 4); the direction of shift is deter- 
mined by two nands(N 3 and N 4 , N 5 and 
N 6 , N 7 and N g ) which receive their sig- 
nals via N] and N 2 . When the button is 
pushed, say left, this is what happens: 
Via Nj, connected as an inverter, the 
“ 1 ” signal is fed to the nands N 3 , N s and 
N 7 via the “left” conductor. At the same 
time all the connecting rails are brought 
to the “0” level via the diodes Di , D 3 , 
D 4 and D 5 . As a result, the nand N 9 , 

420 — elektor april 1975 


Figure 4. Complete "shift register for a zero", 
3-fold, for the matrix line of the horizontal 
shift register. The vertical register is of the 
same construction (description between 

Figure 5. Field with waiting time indication. 
Depending on the type of field used, the trigger 
unit is required several times. It serves to sup- 
press contact bounce. 

Figure 6. Diagram for Fido with nine lamps. 
If the whole is fed from batteries, it is advisable 
to supply the lamps from a separate battery 
because pulses caused by switching (low 
filament resistance of an extinguished lamp) 
might interfere with the circuit. The bias of 
Cg (figure 5) must also be obtained from a 
separate battery because a maximum current 
of about 200 mA can occur. 

Nio or Nn , which has been at “0” level 
so far, changes to “1”. Simultaneously, 
a positive pulse is fed to the two adjacent 
nands via the capacitor connected to this 
output. The gate thus prepared by the 
“1” signal via the conductor “left” 
maintains the collecting line of its neigh- 
bour at “0” until again via diode D] the 
“0” signal disappears and the remaining 

conductors become logically “1”. 

The contact potentials of the diodes Di 
and D 3 up to and including D s ensure 
that the coupling rails reach the “1” 
potential before the inputs of the gates 1 
or 2. This is necessary to ensure that the 
new main nand takes over the “0” signal 
before the direction determining gate 
changes back to “1”. 

In the extreme positions for the “shift 
register for a zero”, the “kennel”- 
flipflops Ni2-N, 3 and N, 4 -Ni S are driven. 
These may be driven only when the sec- 
ond register reports the correct position. 
The outer direction determining gates Nj 
and N g , which drive the “kennel” flip- 
flops require three inputs for that pur- 
pose; one being coupled to the corre- 

sponding matrix line of the other register. 
Command-unit with indication 
Figure 5 shows a command-unit with 
four push buttons. The other units are 

Via Pi and R 17 or Rig, respectively, 
capacitor C 6 is negatively charged until 
the voltage across C$ equals the sum of 

the contact potentials of diode Di 0 and 
the base-emitter junction of T 9 . The 
latter is then conductive, so that Ti 0 
causes the lamp to light up. The pilot 
lamp indicates when a command can be 
given. The waiting time can be adjusted 
with Pi . 

When pushing a button, say Si, Tj is 
turned on by the negatively charged 

capacitor C 6 , so that the emitter of T i 
drops from +4,5 V to +0,7 V. This pulse 
serves to drive the shift register. 

Due to contact bounce, Fido is likely to 
make wild and unpredictable jumps, or 
just stays where he is. To avoid such 
“disobedience”, each push button must 
be connected to a trigger. Even the 
shortest pulse at the base of Ti is suffi- 

422 — elektor april 1975 


cient to cause the two transistors (T L and 
T 2 ) to switch. As a result capacitor C 6 is 
connected to the control line until the 
voltage drop across Ri 3 caused by the 
charge current is no longer high enough, 
and the trigger returns to its initial 
position. Then capacitor C 6 discharges 
across R )7 (Rig) and P t . 

The complete diagram 

Owing to the large extent of the circuit, 
some of the sections are represented as 
blocks in figure 6. The positions indicated 
by the coupling rails are represented by 
“0”-signals. For the remainder, only 
“1 ’’-signals are used; hence the inverters 
7405 for inverting the signals. These 
signals are fed to the lamp drivers 7440 
which cause the lamps to light up when 
all inputs are “1”. 

Since only two of the four inputs of the 
lamp drivers are used, all the others can 
be connected to the positive of the 
supply, which, however, is not necessary. 
Once Fido has disappeared into a kennel, 
that is to say. when a “0” signal has 
reached the input of a goal flipflop, a 
“ 1 ” is produced at the driver of the goal 
lamp, and a “0” at the gate N 20 , 
which via the inverter N 2 | and six 
diodes Du up to and including D !6 trans- 
fers this signal to the outputs of the 
inverters Ii up to and including I 6 . As a 
result all the lamps in the field are ex- 
tinguished. Furthermore, all the outer 
direction-determining gates (figure 4) are 
blocked (“0”-signal at the inputs that are 
connected with the inverter outputs), 
so that no further goal can be scored 
by the now invisible Fido, if more but- 
tons were pushed. 

The start- or reset button returns the goal 
flipflops and the registers to their initial 
positions again. The middle coupling 

rails must be connected to the reset 
conductor via the diodes (D 9 in figure 4) . 
The words “left”, “right”, “top”, “bot- 
tom”, “vertical” and “horizontal” are 
related to a group of push buttons which 
is fixed by an arbitrary position of a 
player and is called command-unit 1 . The 
other command-units are numbered 
clock-wise. The arrows in figure 5 are 
related to the way in which Fido moves 
as regards the player concerned. 


The game can easily be changed. A first 
possibility is to expand the field so that 
the game will last longer (figure 7, accord- 
ing to the principle in figure 3c). This will, 
of course, increase the cost of the unit 
by a considerable amount, especially if 
the 25 lamp version of figure 7 is used. 
Furthermore, it should be noted that the 
field is in fact only suitable for four or 
eight players, whereas the smaller field 
can also be used by two without Fido 
endlessly running up and down. 

On the other hand, the field with 
25 lamps can easily be connected to eight 
command-units, so that eight “dog 
lovers” can join the game. 

A “mini Fido” is also a possibility if we 
restrict ourselves to one register (see fig- 
ure 3c), and if the “kennels” are placed 
at the two ends of the row of lamps (fig- 
ure 8). In spite of the simple set-up the 
game can still be fun; playing with the 
push buttons alone is most amusing. In 
addition this version offers the possibility 
of studying the register. 

Of course, other possibilities can be 
worked out, but then again it is up to the 
reader to find an arrangement in accord- 
ance with his taste and, lets face it, 


to readers 

EPS print service 

Many elektor circuits are accompanie 
by printed circuit designs. Some of thes 
designs - but not all! - are also availabl 
as ready-etched and predrilled boards,! 
which can be ordered from our Canter- 
bury office. A complete list of the) 
available boards is published under the 
heading ‘EPS print service’ in every issu< 
Delivery time is approximately three 

As a further service, boards which are 
taken off the regular service list at somi 
future date will continue to be avaiHblt 
in spite of this: delivery time will thei 
be approximately six weeks. It shoult 
be noted, however, that only board 
which have at some time been publish 
in the EPS list are available; the fact tha 
a design for a board is published in 
particular article does not necess 
imply that it can be supplied by elekto 

Technical queries 

Members of the technical staff will 
available to answer technical queri 
(relating to articles published in elektor 
by telephone on Mondays from 14.00 
16.30. Queries will not normally 
answered at other times. 

Letters should be addressed to th; 
department concerned: TQ = Technic 
Queries. Although we feel that this is a 
essential service to readers, we regret tha 
certain restrictions are necessary: 

1. Questions that are not related t 
articles published in elektor cann- 
be answered. 

2. Questions concerning the connectio 
of elektor designs to other units (e. 
existing equipment) cannot normall" 
be answered, owing to a lack of pract' 
cal experience with those other unit' 
An answer can only be based on 
comparison of our design specifi 
cations with those of the other equip- 

3. Hieroglyphs or illegible handwritin 
cannot be decoded: provided the 
sender’s address is legible, the lette 
is returned unanswered. 

4. Questions about suppliers for com- 
ponents are usually answered on the 
basis of advertisements, and readei 
can usually check these themselves. 

5. As far as possible, answers will be on 
standard reply forms. 

We trust that our readers will understand! 
the reasons for these restrictions. On the 
one hand we feel that all technical 
queries should be answered as quickly® 
and completely as possible; on the othei 
hand this must not lead to overloading] 
of our technical staff as this could lead 
to blown fuses and reduced quality 
future issues ... 

elektor april 1975 


The block diagram of the interval switch 
is given in figure 1 ; it consists of a pulse 
generator, two monostable multivibra- 
tors and a stabilizing circuit. A mech- 
anism controls the automatic dia- 
phragm and shutter of the camera. 

The pulse generator consists of a UJT 
(unijunction transistor) relaxation oscil- 
lator with adjustable pulse recurrence 
frequency. The output pulse drives two 
interconnected monostable multivibra- 
tors (MMVs) which control the mech- 
anism for diaphragm adjustment and 

H.U. Heinz A A 

machine 16 

Slowly-developing technological 
processes or natural events cannot 
be perceived because the eye is 

generally not able to distinguish the separate stages. Such events and 
processes can, however, be visualised by means of cinematographic time 
compression. An interval switch linked with a camera enables it to make 
single exposures at set intervals. When run at normal speed the film then 
shows a process or event apparently developing continuously, but in a 
much shorter time. 

camera shutter. Because the circuit must 
be suitable for battery supply, a stabil- 
izing circuit ensures a constant voltage 
throughout the battery life. Of course, 
the circuit can also be fed from a mains 
power supply. 

MM V 1 controls the automatic diaphragm 
of the camera. This diaphragm setting 
is maintained until MMV2 operates the 
shutter and resets the entire circuit to 
its initial state. 

The stabilizing section included a 
battery voltage indicator which operates 

Photograph 1. The time compressor system 
for film cameras. The box mounted on the 
camera contains the relays and the shutter 
drive motor; the box beside it contains the 

with an ‘expanded scale’ and ‘suppressed 
zero’ so that it only reads from about 
12-20 V. Since the circuit will not 
function correctly if the battery voltage 
falls below 12 V, there is no point in 
measuring below 12 V. It is simply 
a waste of meter scale space. 

The pulse generator 

Figure 2a shows the principle of the 
pulse generator. Capacitor Ci charges 
via Ri to the breakdown voltage of the 
UJT, to discharge again via resistor R 2 

424 — elektor april 1975 

I and the E-Bi junction of the UJT. The 
I breakdown voltage of a UJT is an almost 
fixed percentage of the supply voltage; 
| usually between 60% and 85%, depend- 
. ing on the type. 

I * Positive pulses appear across resistor R2 

, with a repetition frequency that can be 
■ adjusted within certain limits by 
changing R], 

In the circuit of figure 2b, Pj is the 
potentiometer with which the repetition 
frequency is adjusted. The adjustment 
range of Pj is determined by the series 
connection of Ri and P2 in parallel 
with Pj. Via the selector switch S2 this 
combination is connected to the series 
circuits R 3 + P 3 . . . R 6 + P 6 which are 
connected to the supply. 

I Terminal B2 of the UJT is connected 
to the supply via resistor R 7 . This 
resistor serves to reduce the temperature 
dependence of the UJT. 

I In the blocked condition, the E-Bi 
junction of the UJT has a very high 
resistance so that it is possible to 
achieve relatively long pulse times with 
large capacitances (220//) and high 
resistances (maximum 1 M). 

Switch S, j is combined with the on/off 
switch; in the centre position C2 charges 
rapidly via R 3 , so that the UJT can 
I produce the first pulse the moment the 
I on/off switch is operated. If the capaci- 
| tor were not given an initial charge in 
this way, the waiting time for the first 
pulse would be 4 minutes in the worst 

Transistor T2 serves as an inverter, so 
that the pulse generator supplies both 
positive and negative pulses. 

The Monostable Multivibrators 

j The two MMVs connected after the 
I pulse generator are equipped with 
1 thyristors with anode- and cathode-gates 
I because these can fire on positive as 
well as on negative pulses. Both MMVs 
are of the same design, differing only 
, in component values. 

I Figure 3 shows the circuit of an MMV. 

I Once thyristor Thj has been fired by 
negative-going pulses on the anode-gate, 
it remains on until the current drops 
below the so-called holding current. 
If in the anode circuit of the thyristor 
a resistor is included of such a value 
that the holding current of the thyristor 
cannot be reached, the thyristor will 
not fire. 

If, however, a capacitor (C4) is now 
| connected parallel to this resistor, the 
thyristor will fire and the capacitor will 
begin to charge. Since, however, the 
charging current of a capacitor decreases 
as the charge increases, there comes a 

certain moment when the current 
flowing through the parallel circuit of 
resistor and capacitor drops below the 
holding current, and the thyristor blocks 
again. The capacitor then discharges 
through the parallel resistor R 10 
(figure 3). 

A variable series resistance (P 7 + R n ) 
determines the charging time of the 
capacitor and thus the time during which 
the thyristor remains on. In addition, 
this series resistance protects the 
thyristor against excessive switch-on 
currents. Via R 14 and D, the thyristor 
drives switching transistor T 3 which 
energises relay RLA. Diode D2 protects 
the transistor against voltage surges when 
the relay cuts out. 

Current supply and measuring 

The supply voltage is stabilized at about 
1 1 V by ZDj and T s (figure 4). All 
battery voltages can be measured under 
loaded and no-load conditions via switch 
S 4 . As long as the measured voltage 
is higher than the zener voltage, a cur- 
rent I flows through the parallel circuit 
(R22 + P12); the resulting voltage drop 
is measured with the measuring instru- 
ment. The meter is adjusted to full-scale 
deflection (f.s.d.) by means of P 12 . The 
currents through the zener diodes 
ZD2 . . . ZD 4 can be adjusted with the 
potentiometers P 9 ... Pa - These zener 
diodes ensure that only voltages higher 
than the minimum voltages on which 
the apparatus functions properly are 
measured. The meter thus has a 
‘suppressed zero’, i.e. it only reads from 
(say) 12 V upwards since voltages below 
this are of no interest. The whole meter 
scale may then be calibrated for 1 2-20 V. 
The residual battery charge can be esti- 
mated on the basis of the difference in 
meter deflections when readings are 
taken with and without load. 

The extra positions on S4 are for 
testing other batteries in the camera. 
The diodes ZD 3 and ZD4 can be chosen 
to give a suitable ‘suppressed zero’ 
value for other battery voltages. 

The complete circuit 

The complete circuit given in figure 5 
is intended for a Zeiss G.S-8 synchron- 
ous camera. In this case the diaphragm 
is adjusted by a motor, so that it remains 
in the set position when the control 
current is switched off. The camera is 
fitted with two external connections for 
electrically-operated remote release ; one 
for single exposures and one for running 
exposures. Before the release is operated, 
the diaphragm must be properly 

time machaj 

The negative pulse produced at the 
collector of T2 first starts MMV1 which, 
via RLA1 (figure 6) switches on the 
automatic aperture control for aboil 
2 sec., giving ample time for this contra 
to find its setting before the shuttei 
opens. The moment MMV resets, i 
positive pulse starting MMV2 occurs a 
the anode-gate resistor (R13). As ; 
result RLB is activated, closes contact* 
RLB 1 , and starts a motor which drive 
the camera shutter. 

Although RLA is no longer energised 
the diaphragm motor will hold the 
aperture at its correct setting. The dia- 
phragm drive can be switched off 
altogether with S 3 , so that, for example; 
an electronic flash can be used with 1 
preset aperture. S 5 operates RLB 
directly and can therefore be used foi 
manual shutter operation. 

There are almost as many automata 
exposure devices as there are camen 
types. Consequently the matching ol 
the automatic operating equipment to 
the camera diaphragm and shutte 
mechanisms often calls for considerabl 

Another type of automatic exposui 
control which is found in most camera 
nowadays uses a moving coil (as in 
meter) to control the diaphragm accord 
ing to the photocell response. In thi 
case, the circuit operating the diaphragu 
control must remain switched on whil 
the shutter opens. This can be achieve 
by providing an extra pair of contact 

Figure 1. Block diagram of the time com 

Figure 2a. Circuit diagram of a pulse genet 
ator using a UJT. 

Figure 2b. Diagram of the pulse generator. 

Figure 3. One of the two MMV’s with whie 
the diaphragm control and shutter ar 

Figure 4. This stage serves for voltage stabil 
izing and checking the operating condition 
of the batteries. 

i i/nmin 

is also required to function for these 
shots, three components must be added 
to the cathode gate circuit of Th 2 : 
a 3n3 capacitor, a 470 12 resistor and 
a diode (DUS). This must be done in 
the same way as with MMV2 (here it is 
Cs, D3 and Ris). The push-button of 
figure 7 must then be connected direct 
to the additional capacitor. 

If the current consumed by the auto- 
matic exposure control is known to be 
small, the control can be left on con- 
tinuously during time-compressed 
filming. It will then be possible to 
dispense with T 2 and associated 
components, as well as with MM V 1 and 
RLA. One pair of contacts on RLB 
will suffice. 

It can be gathered from what has been 
said that adapting the circuit to a 
particular make and model of camera 
not only calls for a precise knowledge 
of the camera; it also requires consider- 
able experience in the field of elec- 
tronics. Anyone who undertakes this 1 
project should be capable of tackling | 

Aligning the circuit 

Before the apparatus can be used, the 

following adjustments must be made. 

1. Pi to zero, P3 to give maximum 
pulse interval. This will be about 
2 sec. for a mechanical shutter and 
about 0.5 sec. for an electric shutter. 

2. P4 , Ps , P6 to 1, 2, 3 minutes respect- 

3. Pi in position ‘maximum’. Adjust P 2 
until the difference between the 
minimum and the maximum positions 
of Pi corresponds to 1 minute. 

4. P 7 to a time which enables the 
automatic exposure control to re- 
adjust by two stops. 

5. Pg to give the minimum time the 
shutter mechanism needs to operate 
the shutter when the battery is low. 

6. Adjust Sj and S4 to ‘off position, 
P9, Pm and Pn to give 2.5 ... 5 mA 
measured between the contacts of S4 . 
Adjust Pi 2 to full-scale deflection 
of the meter. 

When choosing the zener dioi 
(ZD 2 . . . ZD4) take into account 
minimum voltages at which the equ 
ment will still function properly at 1 
temperatures. If the zener voltages 
changed, other values may have to 
chosen for the adjustment potent 

Figure 6. Relay contacts for cameras 
motor-driven or moving-coil diaphr 

nr iin 

time machine 

elektor april 1975 - 427 

The shutter mechanism 
(for mechanical shutters) 

As is apparent from the previous 
examples, cameras with electric shutters 
are easily modified by bridging the 
the release contacts by the relay 
contacts. With mechanical shutters 
however the release button must be 
operated by a servo or other device. 
No detailed data can be given on the 
release mechanism because the con- 
struction depends largely on the camera 
used. The author used a Graupner 
Varioprop-Servo from which the feed- 
back potentiometer had been removed. 
This was used to drive the shutter 
release via a Bowden-cable type remote 
release. Limit switches were incorporated 
to limit the servo travel. A model control 
servo which may be adapted to a shutter 
drive for most cameras will be obtainable 
in a shop for model builders. 

Exposures with the time com- 

To conclude with, some remarks about 
the exposure technique. To ensure a 
flowing motion, calculation of the 
intervals should be based on 900 frames, 
so that at a projection speed of 1 8 frames 
per second the projection time is 
50 seconds. 

If the interval is indicated as t seconds 
per frame (F), and the time in which 
the compressed event takes place is T 
hours, we have: 

in which T is in hours, and t is in 

For an opening rose the interval for an 
exposure time from 0530 to 2030 
(exactly 1 5 hours) is 

t = 4 x 1 5 = 60 seconds per frame. 
When filming outdoors, don’t forget to 
immobilize the flower in case it should 
sway in the wind. 

Editorial note 

A number of notes as regards component 
values may be made: 

All electrolytic capacitors must be of the 16 
or 25 V type. 

For T 2 a BC 140 may be used instead of a 
BFY 39. Furthermore, it is advisable to 
connect a resistor of 1 k in series with the 
base of T 2 . 

In figure 4 transistor Ts (2N2219) may be 
replaced by a BD 137 or BD 139. In many 
cases this transistor will also have to be 
cooled, certainly if the two relays draw con- 
siderable current (over 100 mA). 

Finally it should be noted that in figure 4 
'+V b ' is the output of the stabilized supply. 
So this point is the supply point ('©■) in 
figures 5 and 7. The voltage is about 11V. M 

marine diesel 

Apart from ship sirens and fog horns, 
builders of ship models are also interested 
in imitating marine engine noises. With 
only a few components the ‘marine diesel’ 
circuit lends realism to a model. 

The noise produced by a diesel-driven 
ship is made by the thump of the engine 
and the regular puffing of gases escaping 
through the exhaust. The noise of these 
escaping gases is imitated by a small noise 
generator in the circuit. The thump effect 
is achieved by using an 1C in a trapezium 
generator circuit, with the noise added 
on the leading and trailing edges. The 
figure shows the circuit. The base-emitter 
junction of Ti is reverse biased to break- 
down and the resulting noise signal is fed 
to the non-inverting input of the opera- 
tional amplifier. The feedback network, 
formed by R 4 , R s , R 6 and C 3 then 
determines the form of the trapezium 
voltage. As long as the IC has not reached 
saturation, the output produces a voltage 
ramp with superimposed noise. The noise 
is suppressed as soon as the IC reaches 
saturation. An oscilloscope connected 
to the output of the circuit should show 
one of the waveforms drawn in the dia- 
gram, depending on whether the DC- 
connected or the AC-connected oscillo- 
scope input is used. 

If after completion of the circuit it is 
found that the sound produced by the 
model is too slow, certain modifications 
may be made. Ci affects the noise; C 2 , 
Rs and R 7 determine the repetition rate. 
The output of the circuit can be connec- 
ted to the input of an amplifier. A resistor 
(value to be found by experiment, de- 
pending on amplifier sensitivity andinput 
impedance) connected between the cir- 
cuit and the amplifier prevents overdrive 
of the amplifier. 14 



Despite its simple design, this circuit is 
a universal noise generator which pro- 
duces a very high noise amplitude. 
Transistor T! is connected as a zener 
diode and is connected to the base of 
the second transistor (T 2 ). The current 
through the zener transistor, and hence 
the amplitude of the noise, is adjusted 
by resistor R, . This noise voltage is then 
amplified by T 2 . 

The supply voltage can be varied over a 
wide range and, depending on the re- 
quired output voltage, can be chosen 
between 10 V and 30 V. At a number of 

different supply voltages the following 
noise output voltages were measured: 
+V b = 12 V — 5 Vp. p 
+ V b = 1 5 V — 8 V m 
+ V b = 20 V — 10 Vp. p 
+ V b = 25 V — 15 Vp- p 
If required, transistor Ti serving as the 
zener diode can, of course, be replaced 
by a real zener of 6-8 V. 

port 2 


The Minidrum described in the previous issue may, by the addition of 
various extra circuits, be extended to a comprehensive manual drum kit. 
Some new instruments, a three channel ruffle system and an automatic 
bassdrum are described in this article. 

The basic Minidrum contained only 
three instruments, a bassdrum, a snare- 
drum and a cymbal and so only three 
channels of the TAP were used. Since 
the TAP board has facilities for six 
channels the design example given here 
is based on six instruments. The number 
of instruments may, of course, be ex- 
tended to suit individual taste by adding 
extra TAP boards, one for every six 
additional instruments. 

A pulse generator is included in the 
design. This is intended to drive the 
automatic bassdrum, but may be used 
to drive other instruments either separ- 
ately or simultaneously. 

The ruffle system comprises three ruffle 
channels driven by a single oscillator. 
A pulse train appears at one of the 
outputs when a finger is placed on the 
appropriate touch contact. This may be 
used to drive any of the instruments to 
give drum rolls etc. 

The first part of the Minidrum to be 
described is the TAP circuit which 
controls the instruments via touch con- 

The Minidrum TAP 

Figure 1 is the circuit diagram of the 
complete Minidrum TAP. It has six 
touch inputs and six outputs, corre- 
sponding to the six instruments used in 
the design. 

As described in the previous issue each 
TAP channel consists of a COSMOS 
inverter (1 j-I«) followed by a diode and 
an integrating network. Hum from the 
player’s skin causes the output of the 
inverter to switch between logic 0 and 1 , 
charging capacitor (Cj-Cg). This output 
voltage controls the relevant instrument. 
The 47 k resistors (R 7 -Ri 2 ) limit the 
base current of the one-shot associated 
with each instrument. 

Two types of RCA COSMOS IC may be 
used for the TAP, CD4009AE or 
CD4049AE. When using the former 
diode Di must be included in the 
circuit (see figure 1), if, however, the 
CD4049AE is used, Di may be replaced 
by a wire link on the p.c. board. 

Due to the high noise immunity and 
wide supply voltage tolerance of COS- 
MOS circuits a sophisticated power 

If if If 



430 — elektor april 1975 

supply is not required, although some 
form of simple stabilizer is desirable. 

The Minidrum TAP p.c. board 

Figure 2 is the p.c. board and component 
layout for the TAP circuit of figure 1. 
It is recommended that a socket be 
used for the IC to avoid the possibility 
of damage due to static or leakage from 
unearthed soldering irons. A photograph 
of the completed board is given in 
figure 3. 

The instruments 

All the percussion instruments use the 
gyrator board described in last month’s 
issue, the circuit of which is given in 
figure 4, but with component values to 
suit the different types of instrument. 
Table 2 gives the component values 
which are common to all the gyrator 
boards, while table 3 gives the compon- 
ents which determine the characteristics 
of the individual instruments. The 
gyrator p.c. board and component lay- 
outs are given in figures 5-13. 

Each percussion instrument has two 
inputs, input 1 and input 2. A mono- 
stable multivibrator (one-shot) is con- 
nected to each of these inputs and these 
one-shots drive the gyrator. The output 
from the TAP is used to drive input 1 
while input 2 may be driven by the 
ruffle system if desired. If ruffle is not 
required on a particular instrument then 
the monostable on input 2 may be 
omitted, as in last month’s article. 

As described in last month’s article, the 
snaredrum has filtered noise mixed in 
with the output of the gyrator. The 
cymbal, brushes and maraccas are merely 
filtered noise, with no gyrator input. 
The p.c. board given in the previous 
issue is used for the noise generator and 
noise gating. If an instrument is to be 
used with the ruffle system (the snare- 
drum for example) then both gating 
inputs of the snaredrum noise board are 
used, one for the manual input and one 
for the ruffle input. In the case of the 
snaredrum these inputs are driven by 
the one-shots on the gyrator board and 
thus the one-shots on the noise board 
may be omitted (figure 15). In the case 
of purely noise instruments (cymbal, 
brushes and maraccas) the manual TAP 
drives the noise board directly and the 
one-shot(s) must be used (figure 14). 

If the ruffle system is not used then one 
noise board will do for two instruments, 
as was the case in last month’s article 
where snaredrum and cymbal noise were 
produced by the same board. The board 
and component layouts are given in 
figures 16-20. The component values 
for the maraccas and cymbal noise 
boards are given in tables 4 and 5, those 
of the snaredrum noise board in table 6. 
R x is added in the circuit for the 
brushes. To mount this resistor on the 
p.c.b., the connection Rm - C 2S is left 
‘in the air’, and R x is connected between 
this junction and the original connection 
to T is (see figure 19). 

The automatic bassdrum 

Figure 21 is the circuit of the pulse 

Figure 4. Circuit of the complete gyrator 
board with two input monostables. The 
component values are listed in table 3. 

Figure 5. The gyrator p.c. board. 

Figures 6-13. Component layouts for all the 
gyrator instruments listed in table 3. 

generator for the automatic bassdrum. 
The circuit is desgined around an RCA 
COSMOS IC, the CD4011AE, which is 
a quadruple two-input NAND gate. 

Gates Ni and N2 form an astable multi- 
vibrator. Pulses from the output of Ni 
are inverted and squared by Tj. C4 and 
Rs differentiate these pulses and D2 
clamps the output so that only positive 
going pulses appear at the cathode of 
D 3 . These pulses may be used to trigger 
any of the instruments, but in the 
system described here they are used to 
drive only the bassdrum. The tempo of 
the bassdrum may be adjusted from 
about 40 to 240 beats per minute by 
means of Pj. 

In passing it may be noted that the 
circuit of figure 4 may be used on its 
own as a metronome, by reducing R3 to 
15 k, R4 to 1 k and Rs to 4k7. C4 is 
increased to 1 00 n and D3 is replaced 
by a 47 S2 resistor. The circuit will then 
drive a small loudspeaker directly, and 
may be used as a self-contained unit 
with a battery since power consump- 
tion is quite low. 

Instead of a mechanical start/stop switch 
the automatic bassdrum of course uses 
a TAP. N 3 and N4 are connected as a 
set-reset flip-flop; touching the start 
contact sets the flip-flop and touching 
the stop contact resets it. In the reset 
(stop) condition the output of N 3 holds 
the inputs of N 2 high via Di and the 
astable will not start. In the set (start) 
condition the output of N 3 is low and 
Di is reverse biased, so the astable runs. 
The circuit is so designed that as soon 
as the button is touched the circuit 
produces its first output pulse, even at 
low repetition rates. When the stop 
button is touched the circuit stops 

Figures 22 and 23 give the p.c. board 
and component layout for the bassdrum 
pulse generator. Again it is recommended 
that a socket be used for the IC. 

Figure 24 shows a photograph of the 
completed board. 

The ruffle system 

The circuit of the complete ruffle 

432 - elektof april 1975 

Figure 14. Noise circuitry for the Cymbal, 
Brushes and Maraccas. See table 5 for the 
values of the unmarked components. 

Figure 15. Snaredrum noise circuit. Note the 
absence of input monostables. 

Table 4. 

Components list for Cymbal, Maraccas 
and Brushes, (figures 14 and 17-19) for 
components common to all boards. 
Where values differ see table 5. 


R 42. R 53. R 58. R 60- R 70. R 75 = 10 k 

R44. R45 . r 48- r 63- r 65- r 73 ■ 470 k 

R 49- R 66 = 6k8 

R 50' R 67 = 888 k 

R 52- R 69 = 5k6 

R 55 , R 72 = 27 k 

R 56- R 76 = 100 k 

R74.R77 = 270 k 

R59 = 4k7 

P 2 = 10 k preset 


C-)g = 100/1/10 V 

Tl2' T 13- T 16- T 17.Tl8. 
T21. T 22.T23 = T UN 
Tl4.Tl5.Ti9 = TUP 

D7. D 9.°10.Dl2. 
d 13- d 14 = DUS 

Table 5. 

Components list for Cymbal, Maraccas 

and Brushes, for components unique 

to one particular instrument. 





R 43' R 61 

10 k 


2k 7 

27 k 


180 k 

820 k 

220 k 

820 k 

10 M 

10 M 


220 k 

270 k 

220 k 

r 54 

100 k 


10 k 

470 k 

470 k 

270 k 


8k 2 


R x 

180 k 

150 n 

100 n 

100 n 


68 n 

120 n 

39 n 


12 n 


47 n 


100 n 

12 n 



680 p 

680 p 

68 n 

470 p 

390 p 



470 p 

390 p 

C 2 4 

150 n 

100 n 

1 A* 

68 n 

120 n 

180 n 


680 p 

100 p 


100 p 

680 p 

100 p 

10 n 

10 n 





— = wire 


Table 6. 

Components list for the snaredrum 
noise board (figures 15 and 20). 

r 78- r 91 = 820 k 
R 79- R 92. R 99 = 478 k 
r 80. r 93 = 6k8 
r 81> r 94 = 880 k 
R 81a. R 94a= 18 M 
R 82- R 95 = 188 k 
r 83- r 96 = 5k6 
r 84. r 88 r 97. r 101 = 18 k 
r 85. r 98 = 15 k 
R 86 = 4M7 
r 87. r 102 = 188 k 
R 89 = 4k7 

Rl00. R 103 _278k 
P3 = 10 k, preset 


C33 = 100 H. 10 V 
c 34- c 39 = ®n2 
c 35- c 40 = 22 n 
C 36- C 37.C41.C42 = 2n7 
C3S- 1n2 
C43.C44 = 10 n 

Di5,Di5,Di7,Di 8 ,Di 9 , 
D20'^21>^22 = DUS 
t 24- t 25. t 27- t 28 = T UP 

T2e.T29.T30.T31 = tun 

' 1 


1 1 


1 1 


llif m T 

1 1 r 




elektor april 1975 


Ci = 100 H, 10 
C 2 = 27 n 
C 3 = 2/J2, 10 V 
C 4 = 2n7 


1C = CD401 1AE 
Ti = TUN 

D, = BAY 61, BA 220 
D 2 ,D 3 = DUS 

Figure 16. Noise p.c. board. 

Figures 17-19. Component layouts for Cym- 
bal, Maraccas and Brushes respectively. 

Figure 20. Component layout for snaredrum 


Figures 22 and 23. The board and component 
layout for the bassdrum pulse generator. 

system is given in figure 25. The system 
is very similar in operation to the 
automatic bassdrum. i! and 1 2 form an 
astable multivibrator and 1 3 serves to 
buffer the output and improve the 
waveshape of the astable. I 4 -I 6 form the 
TAP control for the ruffle system. As 
the three channels are identical only 
one will be described. 

When the touch contact is not being 
touched the input of I 4 is held low via 
The output is therefore high. C 4 is 
charged via R 3 and current flows into 
the base oPT 2 via D 2 and R 12 . T 2 is 
driven into saturation so that the ruffle 
signal appearing via D 6 is blocked. When 
the contact is touched the output of I 4 
switches at 50 Hz between ‘0’ and ‘1’ 


436 — elektor april 1975 

elektor april 1975 - 437 

Components list 
for figures 25 and 27. 

Rl.R2. R 4. R 6- R 8 = 10 M 
R3.R5.R7 = 47 k 

Rg,RlO. R 12< R 13- R 15. R 16 = 10 k 


Ci = 220 /Li/1 0 V 
C2.C3.C7.C8.C9 = 4n7 
C4.C5.C6 = 1 *t 5/10 V (2*12/10 V 


1C = CD 4009 AE or CD 4049 AE 
Tf . . . T 3 = TUN 
D-, . . . D 15 = DUS 
Z x = Z-Diode (see text) 

Input resistors for mixer preamp 
(figures 29 and 30). 

Figures 26 and 27. The p.c. board and 
component layout for the ruffle system. 

Figure 28. The completed ruffle board. 
Figure 29. Circuit of the mixer-preamplifier. 

boards given in this example is given at 
the side of the figure. 

It should be stressed again that this is 
only an example and that any combi- 
nation of instruments may be used to 
suit personal taste. All that is required 
is a little common sense and application 
of a few simple rules. When choosing 
the combination of instruments the 
following points should be noted. 

1. For each gyrator instrument one 
gyrator board is required. 

2. For the noise instruments (maraccas, 
brushes and cymbal) one board will do 

for two instruments, unless ruffle is 
required, in which case one board is 
required per instrument. If ruffle is not 
used then the input monostables are 
included on the board and the instru- 
ments are driven direct from the TAP. 
If ruffle is used then the monostable 
on the input driven from the ruffle 
board is omitted. 

3. In the case of the snaredrum, if 
ruffle is used then one noise board is 
required for this instrument, both input 
monostables being omitted and the 
inputs driven from the ruffle board 

Figure 31. Example of a complete drue 
system with four gyrator instruments and twe 
noise instruments. 

Figures 32 and 33. Photographs of a comprt 
hensive manual drumkit using all instrument 
except brushes. 




minidrum elektor april 1975 - 439 

than clear Perspex as this will afford 
some electrical screening. 

In figure 32 three noise boards for the 
cymbal, maraccas and snaredrum are on 
the left. To the right of them are seven 
gyrator boards and on the extreme right 
the auto bassdrum. Along the bottom 
of the photograph are the two TAP 
boards and the ruffle board. The mixer- 
preamplifier described in last month’s 
article is at the top right-hand comer. 
The circuit and board layout are given 
in figures 29 and 30. 

The mains transformer should be 
mounted well away from the TAP and 
ruffle boards and the mixer-preamplifier 
to avoid hum pick-up. Note that 9 chan- 
nels of the TAP or I'A boards are used 
in this example. 

The Minidrum will be on display (and work- 
ing) together with many other Elektor pro- 
jects at the 1975 London Electronic Com- 
ponents Show at Olympia, May 13-16. 

440 — elektor april 1975 


£A Compressors are now being used 
on an ever-increasing scale. They 
may be found in tape recorders, 
intercom systems and baby alarms, 
public address systems, disco- 
theques and of course broadcast transmitters. A compressor supplements 
a manual volume control and allows a system to adjust itself to a wide 
range of input signals with little distortion. 

The design described here should find a wide range of applications with 
the electronics enthusiast. 

The aim of compression 

Where signals with a wide dynamic range 
| have to be processed it is desirable that 
] as little distortion as possible should 
LI occur. The designer of, say, a public 
|j address system may have given much 
I thought to achieving a good distortion 
*1 figure, but this is of no avail if the 

I system is overloaded by an enthusiastic 
speaker shouting into the microphone. 

j It is of course possible to prevent a 

II circuit from being overloaded by 
li attenuating the input signal with a 
|l fixed or manually variable attenuator, 
|l but then in the example above the 
I person who mumbles into his notes 
| would certainly not be heard. 

| This is where a dynamic range com- 
il pressor comes in. A compressor is 

I basically an attenuator, or variable gain 

II amplifier, which is controlled by the 
If signal it is attenuating, either directly 
|| or by a control voltage derived from the 
|l signal. As the signal increases so does 
I the degree of attenuation, so the com- 
I pressor tries to keep the output signal 

constant whatever the input. This can- 
not be achieved in practice, but it is 
possible to limit the output to a narrow 
range over a wide range of input signals. 
In a p.a. system (figure 1) a compressor 
could be included between the micro- 
phone preamp and the normal volume 
control. The compressor, like death, is 
a great leveller. 

Compressor Transfer Functions 

At first sight it would seem to be an 
admirable aim to control the output 
signal amplitude with the input signal 
as in figure 2. This system has an 
overall gain of - where K is a constant 

and vj is the input voltage (for an 
attenuator of course the gain is less than 
1 ). 

So V 0 = — = K. 

The output voltage is therefore constant 
for all input voltages. This seems admi- 
rable until one considers what happens 



'i — — lyf v c 

Figure 2. A first approach to a transfer 
function for a compressor. This is doomed 
to failure however. 

Figure 4. a. Voltage-current curve of a fila- 
ment lamp. The resistance increases with 
increased current. 

b. Compressor using a lamp and a fixed 

c. T ransfer function of the compressor. 

Figure 5. a. Voltage-current curve of a VDR. 
b. Compressor using a VDR and a fixed 
resistor, c. Transfer function of the com 

Figure 6. Dynamic characteristics of variou 
types of compressor in response to a sudden 
burst of signal. 

Figure 7. Block diagram of an active com 
pressor using a peak detector to derive I 
control voltage which alters the attenuator. 

elektor april 1975 — 441 

when vj is zero. The gain then becomes 
infinite and this idea becomes unnat- 

A much better solution is to control the 
output signal with the output signal, 
which at first sight may seem odd. 
In figure 3 however it can be seen that 

the gain is — . 
v 0 

, Kvj 

Therefore vo = — . 

2 v ° 
or vo = Kvj 

This is a square-law compressor func- 
tion. Of course, other functions may be 
achieved, notably logarithmic, where 
vo = K log vj. 

Practical Compressor Circuits 

There arc many different kinds of com- 
pressor circuit. One of the oldest and 
simplest circuits makes use of the non- 
linear resistance of an incandescent 
lamp, whose resistance increases as the 
current through the filament increases. 
In figure 4 the resistance of the lamp, 
which forms the upper limb of the 
attenuator, is low at low signal levels so 
only a small portion of the signal voltage 
is dropped across it. At higher signal 
levels the resistance increases and a 
larger proportion of the signal voltage 
is dropped across the lamp. The output 
signal therefore does not increase as 
much as it would with a normal attenu- 
ator. The thermal inertia of the lamp 
filament means that this circuit cannot 
follow the actual signal waveform but 
only the envelope (provided the fre- 
quency is not too low) so distortion 
produced by the circuit is fairly small. 
The thermal inertia of the filament 
means, however, that the circuit cannot 
respond quickly to sudden increases in 
signal, so that associated circuitry may 
be overloaded whilst the lamp resistance 
is changing. Also the range of this type 
of compressor is limited. 

An alternative solution would seem to 
be the use of a voltage-dependent 

resistor (VDR) as in figure 5. This has 
a voltage versus current curve which is 
approximately the inverse of that of the 
lamp, so it is included in the lower limb 
of the attenuator. As the signal is 
increased the resistance of the VDR 
decreases so a smaller proportion of the 
signal appears across it. The response 
time of a VDR is quite fast so that it 
will follow sudden increases in signal 
amplitude, but unfortunately it can 
also follow the signal waveform so that 
instead of compressing the envelope 
amplitude whilst preserving the wave- 
shape it simply ‘rounds off the signal 
peaks thus introducing distortion. None- 
theless, in certain applications where 
distortion can be tolerated, such as 
amateur radio transmitters or intercoms, 
it does have its uses. 

It thus appears that the compressor 
designer is caught between two stools. 
A slow-acting device will cause little 

distortion on sustained large signals, 
but will not react sufficiently quickly 
to prevent momentary overloads of the 
equipment, whereas a fast-acting com- 
pressor will react in time to prevent 
overload, but will of itself introduce 
distortion. Here, however, an unusual 
aural phenomenon comes to the de- 
signer’s aid. The ear is incapable of 
detecting even large amounts of distor- 
tion in transients, so that if a fast- 
acting compressor is applied to a sudden 
increase in signal it will prevent gross 
overloading of the system whilst the 
distortion it introduces will be unno- 
ticed. Once the compressor has limited 
the signal, however, the ear can detect 
the distortion it introduces, so on 
sustained loud passages the slow re- 
sponse of the lamp-type compressor is 
required. In fact what is required is a 
compressor with a fast attack and slow 
decay characteristic. 

442 — elektor april 1975 

The characteristics of various types of directly by the signal on which they 

compressor are given in figure 6. The operate, but for a device with different 

triangular waveform was used to show attack and decay time constants it is 

how distortion is caused by a fast- necessary to turn to active circuits. In 

acting compressor. figure 7 the signal passes through the 

The discussion has so far been confined input stage and into a voltage-controlled 
to passive devices that are controlled attenuator. The output voltage is taken 

parts list: 

Cl2.Cl3 = 47#i. 10 V 

Rl,R4,RlO,Rl2 = 10 k 

Ti,T 3 to Tg = BC 109C 

Di = zener diode 2,7 V 

T 2 = BC 179C 

D 2 to D5 - germanium diode 

R 3 = 4k7 

R 5 = 220 fi 

matched pairs A A 1 19 

Dg to Dg - silicon diode 1N914 

R6- R 17. R 20. R 26 = 22 k 


R 7 = 1 k 

Ci = 100 n 

R 8- R 15- R 16 “ 330 k 

C2.Cn = 1 n. 10 V 

Rn = 270 k 

C 3 = 180 p 

R 13- R 14- R 25 = 3k3 

C 4 - 100 H, 16 V 

for V b - 9 Volt: R 18 ,R 19 = 270 £2 

R 24 “ 47 k 

C5,Cg,Cio “ 560 n 

and R 23 = 1k8 

R 27 = 120k 

C 6 = 100p, 4 V 

for V b = 12 Volt: Rl8.Rl9 = 330£2 

Pi = preset 22 k 

C 7 .C 8 = 2,2 H, 10 V 

and R 23 = 1k5 

Figure 8. An LDR used in a voltage-controlled 
attenuator. This circuit suffers from slow 
response due to the inertia of the lamp and 

Figure 9. An r.f. carrier type of compressor. 
The filter eliminates harmonic distortion of 
the carrier caused by the attenuator and also 
eliminates control-voltage noise. 

Figure 10. Voltage-current curve of a diode 
and circuit of a simple diode attenuator. 

Figure 11. Balanced type of diode attenuator 
eliminates control-voltage noise which appears 
in common mode. 

Figure 12. The circuit of the final compressor 

Figure 13. The printed circuit board and 
component layout of the compressor. 

elektor april 1975 - 443 

from the output of the attenuator and 
is also fed to a peak detector which 
rectifies the signal. The rectified voltage 
charges up the capacitor C via the 
potential divider consisting of Rj and 
R 2 . The time constant is 

The voltage on C increases the attenu- 
ation of the voltage-controlled attenu- 
ator as the signal increases. If Rj is small 
C charges up quickly but since the dis- 
charge path for C is via R 2 only, the 
decay time constant can be made as 
large as desired so that the voltage on 
C will not follow the signal waveform. 

as otherwise the variations in control 
voltage with varying signal levels will 
appear as spurious noise at the output. 
One way of achieving this would be by 
using a light-dependent resistor (LDR) 
as the lower limb of the attenuator, as 
in figure 8. This would be controlled by 
a lamp driven from the control voltage. 
Unfortunately problems arise due to the 
slow response of both the lamp and the 
LDR. Another rather elegant solution 
is to amplitude-modulate the signal onto 
a carrier and to vary the modulation 
depth by a voltage-controlled amplifier 
stage (figure 9). The compressed modu- 
lated signal is then filtered to remove 
control voltage noise and distortion 
(mainly second harmonic) and is then 
demodulated, resulting in a ‘clean’ 
compressed signal. Intermodulation 
distortion can still occur, but this can 
be minimised by proper circuit design. 
The design chosen for the final circuit 

to be described was a diode attenuator. 
In its simplest form (figure 10) it suffers 
from two disadvantages. 

1. The signal voltage will itself vary the 
attenuation as with a VDR thus causing 

2. The control voltage will appear at the 
output superimposed on the signal thus 
producing spurious noise. 

The first problem may be overcome by 
making the signal small compared with 
the control voltage so that it has little 
effect. The second may be prevented by 
using a balanced attenuator of four 
diodes as in figure 1 1 . The signal appears 
differentially at the input of the differ- 
ential amplifier and is therefore ampli- 
fied. The control voltage, however, 
appears in common mode and is there- 
fore rejected. 

The voltage-controlled attenuator 

Whilst the derivation of a control voltage 
from the signal is a relatively simple 
matter the design of a suitable voltage- 
controlled attenuator is another matter. 
Ideally the attenuator should be electri- 
cally isolated from the control voltage 

The Final Circuit 

Figure 12 shows the circuit of 


444 — elektor april 1975 

disc preamp 

Compressor Specrficatio 

Input impedance 

180 k 

Output impedance 

25 k (do not 
load with less 
than 100 k) 


Gain with Pi at 

60 (max. input 
voltage = 1 V) 


Maximum (compressed) 

150 (max. 
input voltage = 

30 mV) 

output voltage 

Maximum distortion 
(gain ■ 60) 

a. below compression 

500 mV 


b. at maximum (1 V) 


Maximum control 
current through diode 



350 pA 

Power consumption 

10 mA at 9 V 



A preamplifier-equaliser for 
magnetic pickup cartridges has to 
meet quite exacting requirements. 
Values for gain, noise level and maximum input voltage which will 
guarantee trouble-free operation under all conditions are not so easy to 
achieve. The well-known two-transistor configuration, operating from a 
12 ... 18 V supply, invariably falls short on gain and overdrive-margin - 
unless it is designed for a low nominal output voltage (about 30 mV). 

An alternative approach is to make use of a good integrated amplifier. 
The design about to be described, which meets all the requirements, 
employs a SN 76131. An almost identical I.C. is the pA 739. 

compressor intended principally for 
speech applications. The circuit has an 
input stage with adjustable gain which 
is sensitive enough to be driven by a 
magnetic microphone. This is followed 
by a phase splitter which produces two 
antiphase signals to feed into the 
differential stage T4, T 5 . The com- 
pressed output is taken from the 
collector of T4 which should not be 
loaded with anything less than 1 00 k 
as this would upset the circuit oper- 
ation. A class B-type stage T7, Tg drives 
the peak detector Dg , Cu . The control 
voltage appearing on Cu is buffered by 
the emitter follower T« and is fed to 
the diode bridge D 2 ... D s . Di is a 
threshold control which determines the 
point at which compression starts. is 
simply a constant current source for the 
'j differential pair. 

1 1 The board and component layout for 

I the compressor are given in figure 13 
j and the performance figures in the table. 

I I At first sight it may seem that the 
I distortion with the compressor oper- 
[I ating is rather high but compared with 

the distortion when an amplifier is over- 
I loaded it is minimal. 

Applications of the compressor 

J This compressor is sure to find a whole 
J host of applications. It can be used to 
1 control the recording level in a tape 
L- recorder to prevent overloading of the 
j tape. It can be used in amateur radio 
I installations to achieve the largest 
|| possible modulation without over- 
modulating so that maximum range can 
be achieved. It can be used in a car 
radio so that quiet passages may be 
heard above the engine noise without 
loud passages being unbearable. The 

I range of applications is limited only by 
’ the ingenuity of the constructor - 

remember, a compressor rules the waves 

I I (somewhat straighter than they were 
f originally!). 


Electronic Engineering, January 1973. 

I Radio Elektronika, January 1959. 

To make optimum use of the possi- 
bilities for groove-modulation, gramo- 
phone records are cut with low audio 
frequencies attenuated and high audio 
frequencies boosted (with respect to 
1 kHz). To simplify playback equalis- 
ation, a single weighting curve has 
been standardised throughout the 
world - the IEC disc-cutting character- 
istic. (This curve originated as the RIAA 
standard: Record Industry Association 
of America). 

The disc-cutting engineer arranges for a 
‘0 dB standard (reference)level’ in the 
taped programme to produce a stylus 
tip-velocity about 14 dB below the ‘safe’ 
drive-level, to provide headroom for 
instantaneous signal peaks. 0 dB standard 
level (corresponding roughly to the 
average level in loud passages) is typi- 
cally 39 mm/sec tip peak velocity at 
1 kHz. Standard level on carrier-channel 
discs (CD4 and UD4) is lower, about 
22 mm/s. 

Experience indicates that wide-band 
cartridges suitable for carrier discs 
deliver 70 ... 140 pW for each mm/sec 
of tip velocity. The usual ‘hifi’ cartridges 
deliver about 6 dB more. (Note that 
sensitivity specifications are usually 
given in RMS millivolts per peak centi- 
metre per second). So the input to the 
preamplifier at standard level 1 KHz will 
be about 1 ... 10 mV peak. 

What are the consequences of all this for 
the preamplifier? 

Suppose it is the intention that the 
output voltage at standard level be about 
100 mV RMS with the lowest-output 
cartridge. The closed-loop gain must 
therefore be 100 at 1 KHz. Now allow 
20 dB of extra gain for IEC equalisation 
at the lowest frequencies, not including 
20 dB of negative feedback (which 
should reasonably be maintained at the 
‘low end’). This tots up to an open-loop 
gain of at least 80 dB! Ten thousand 
times. That seems to eliminate the two- 
transistor configuration. 

The SN 76131 integrated circuit, with 
the chosen lag compensation, has a 
typical open-loop response according to 
the upper dashed curve in figure 1 . The 

Figure 1. The desired closed-loop gain curve 
follows the IEC (RIAA) disc equalisation 
characteristic, with a mid-band gain (1 KHzl 
of 40 dB (heavy line). The open-loop gain 
must be at least 20 dB greater; the SN 76131. 
with the chosen lag compensation, provides 
this with a margin of about 10 dB (upper 
dashed curve). 

Figure 2. The heavy line is an estimated 
contour for the highest voltage delivered to 
the preamplifier by a high-output dynamic 
cartridge. The preamplifier cannot be over 
driven by the highest input voltage; the upper 
dashed line is the overdrive threshold for the 
disc-preamplifier with SN 76131. This cl- 
the maximum-input contour by approximat 
10 dB. 

Figure 3. The maximum RMS output l~ 
produced by the preamp when used with 
high-output cartridge follows the thick ; 
tour. The dashed line indicates the maxim 
output capability. The safety margin is h 
once again about 10 dB. 

etektor april 1975 - 445 

lower dashed curve indicates the mini- 
mum requirement (80 dB at the low 
end, reducing as the closed-loop gain 
- i.e. the bold line in figure 1 - falls 
according to the IEC curve). The con- 
clusion is that there is about 10 dB of 
open-loop gain to spare at all fre- 
quencies, which will accomodate 1C- 
tolerances etc. 

Overdriving the input 

To find the maximum input voltage 
which can occur, one must start with 
the highest-output cartridge. This will 
deliver, as shown earlier, about 
5 . . . 10 mV peak at standard level. 

The maximum level encountered on the 
disc is nominally +14 dB relative to 
standard level. This indicates a nominal 
maximum input voltage of 25 . . . 50 mV. 
(At 1 KHz of course). It is clearly 
advisable to regard this figure, with due 
respect, as nominal. One might encoun- 
ter a cartridge with still higher output 
or some disc manufacturer may fully 
exploit tracing-compensation, to cut a 
clean signal at more than +14 dB . . . 
The absolute limit (set by ‘slope-over- 
load’ at the inner radius of LP discs) is 
presently about 350 mm/s (+18 dB) - 
but a 33 disc also has outer grooves and 
they can be cut at a level 6 dB higher. 
This means that in theory the 
maximum output level for the highest 
output cartridge is about 200 mV! With 
the circuit arrangement given, the 
SN 76131 will accept 80 mV at the 
input (thick dashed line in figure 2). 

The same figure can be used to estimate 
the effect of amplifier noise. The wide- 
band noise level, referred to the 
SN 76131 input, is 2 /iV (RMS). This is 
—68 dB in the figure (0 dB = 5 mV 
RMS). For the least sensitive cartridge, 
this noise level is -54 dB relative to 
standard level for CD-4 or UD-4 discs. 
Assuming maximum signal level to be 
+14 dB the overall S/N ratio is (for this 
worst case) 68 dB. Manufacturers esti- 
mate that the S/N ratio possible with a 
first-rate LP pressing is about 70 dB. 
Conclusion: pass. 

Figure 2 can be used once more to 
determine the hum-level requirements. 
The IEC bass-lift now aggravates matters: 
to achieve a hum level 60 dB below 
standard level, with a fairly high-output 
cartridge (5 mV RMS at 1 KHz), it 
becomes necessary to keep the hum 
voltage at the input below 1 pV! This 
can be achieved, in general, by providing 
good screening for the input circuit and 
for the preamplifier itself (signal-return 
inside the cable-screen, the latter bonded 
to signal-earth at the amplifier end 
only), and by properly smoothing 
(preferably regulating) the DC supply. 
The sensitivity of the SN 76131 to 
interference on the DC supply rail is 
quoted — under operating conditions 
rather different to the above - as 
50 mV/V. (i.e. 50 /rV apparent input for 
each volt of supply disturbance). To 
achieve the 1 £iV hum level just men- 
tioned means keeping supply ripple 
below 20 mV. A simple active circuit 
will readily meet this requirement; 

446 — elektor april 1975 

disc preamp 

simple smoothing of a ‘raw’ DC supply 
would probably be inadequate or too 
expensive (or both!). 

Clipping at the output 

The requirement that the input circuit 
is not overdriven will not by itself 
quarantee that the amplifier as a whole 
operates within limits. The output 
circuit can still ‘run out of voltage or 
current swing. 

Taking the combination of a sensitive car- 
tridge and the maximum disc modulation 
likely to be encountered, one can esti- 
mate the highest level of output signal 
that the preamplifier will have to 
deliver. This can be done by combining 
the closed-loop gain characteristic 
(figure 1 , thick line) with the maximum 
cartridge output contour (thick line in 
figure 2). The result is shown in figure 3 
(thick line). The conclusion is that the 

voltage swing at the output can be as 
high as 2.5 V RMS (7 V p-p). 

The clipping level for the SN 76131 
depends on the supply voltage and on 
the load impedance. The case of V + = 30 
and Rl = 10 K, where the 1C can deliver 
about 7 V RMS, is shown dashed in 
figure 3. This reserve should take care of 
all eventualities. If one considers a brink- 
of-disaster capability of 3 V RMS, then 
the combinations 18 V/5 K, 14 V/10 K 
and even V+ = 12 (at Rl = 50 K) are in 
order. Even under these conditions, 
current clipping due to the load of the 
feedback network on the output (at the 
highest audio frequencies) and slew-rate 
limiting (due to the early open-loop 
rolloff) are not expected to occur. 

Integrated circuit 

The circuit was designed around the 
specified SN 76131 by Texas Instru- 

Figure 4. The pinning of the IC's SN 76131, 
TBA 231, TCA 590C, [lA 739C and LM 1303 
(figure 4a) it identical. The internal circuit 
diagram (figure 4b) however only applies to 
the SN 76131. 

Figure 5. The circuit diagram of the equali- 
preamplifier. An integrated voltage regulator, 
when required, can be connected between the 
points A and B (see text). 

Figure 6. PC board and component layo 
for the equaliser-preamplifier. All exte~ 
connections are made to one edge of the PC5 
board, so that it can be used as plu* 
module in a complete control amplifier. 

Figure 7. Illustration of the preamplifier bo- 
as plug-in module. 

fcc preamp 

Table 1. The most important specifications o 
the SN 76131 and / JA 739C. 

II r™- 

36 V 

±5 V 

500 mW 

1 V nilt swinq 

1 ... 26 V* 

Open loop gain typ 


Open loop gain min 


z in *VP- 

150 KS2* 

Z in min. 

37 Kf2* 

Z out (1 KHz) 

Crosstalk (10 KHz) 

-140 dB* 

1 * These values apply for 

R|_ = 50Kft 

V+ = 30 V; 

r merits. According to the maker’s data 
[sheets, the Fairchild pA 739C and the 
TBA 23 1 are almost identical and 
perform well in the circuit. The 
IC’s are pin compatible (see 
4a). Two other IC’s with the same 
are the Philips TCA 590 C and 

Table 2. Main specifications of the disc pre- 
amplifier described here. 

the LM 1303 by National Semiconduc- 
tors. This last device has lower specifi- 
cations for gain, noise and drive level - 
it will probably work acceptably in the 
preamplifier, but we have not checked 

The internal circuit of the SN 76131 

(and the TBA 23 1 ) is given in figure 4b. 
Except for the output transistor, the 
M 739C is identical. Table 1 lists the 
most important characteristics of the 
device. The TCA 590C has an additional 
class B output stage, while the LM 1303 
circuit dispenses with the stabilising 
diodes and with the current sinks for 
the second long-tail pairs. 

The external circuit 

Figure 5 gives the complete circuit dia- 
gram of the equaliser-preamplifier. The 
open-loop response is set up by C 4 /C s /R 3 
and C11/C12/R11; it follows the appro- 
priate dashed curve in figure 1. The IEC 
correction networks are R1/R2/R4/C1/C3 
and R12/R13/R14/C13/C15. R s and R] 0 
take care of the DC biassing. With the 
values given, the correction obtained 
using 5% components is within 1 dB of 
the IEC (RIAA) standard. 

The input blocking capacitors C 7 and 
C9 should not be replaced by larger 
values or by electrolytics. This could 
lead to undesirable switch-on phenomena 
(‘plop’ or even momentary oscillation). 
The values given will not affect the bass 
response (which is 1 dB down at 20 Hz). 

It has already been pointed out that the 
supply ripple must be well filtered. 
A typical regulated supply will meet 
the requirements, but a ‘raw’ supply 
followed by resistor-electrolytic filter 
will usually cause too much hum. In this 
case one can use an IC voltage regulator 
which will deliver 24 ... 30 V at 15 mA 
(or more), e.g. the Fairchild jiA 78M24HC. 
The printed circuit board (figure 6) has 
a position for this regulator. If such a 
device is not to be used, the points A 
and B should be bridged. 

To simplify assembly, all external con- 
nections have been placed at one edge 
of the PC board, using standard grid- 
spacing. A control amplifier which will 
be published at a later date has a PC 
board designed to accomodate the disc 
preamplifier as a plug-in module 
(figure 7). 

Table 2, in conclusion, summarises the 
most important specifications of the 
equaliser-preamplifier for disc records. 

Lit.: Texas Instruments data sheets for 
SN 76131. 

elektor april 1975 

a/d converter 

The convert a voltage 

C^IIIhkSI ■ B5S to a frequency such that the 
V frequency is accurately 

proportional to the voltage is one which arises in many different 
electronic systems. Some digital voltmeters use this principle. The 
voltage to be measured is converted to a proportionate frequency, which 
is then measured by a conventional counter circuit, and the result 
displayed digitally. In other cases, the requirement is to have a reading of a voltage existing some distance 
away. In this case the long cables, with their appreciable DC resistance, produce a voltage drop if any current 
is taken by the measuring instrument, and errors result. If however the information is carried over the cables 
as a frequency, although the amplitude may fall the frequency will not change. Increasing use of digital 
computors, digital logic IC's, digital displays, etc., produces many more applications. 

A previous design for a convertor circuit gave reasonable performance. However, further work produced 
several relatively minor changes which improved both linearity and temperature stability, resulting in the 
circuit described below. 

It is relatively difficult to convert voltage 
to frequency in a direct manner, if good 
linearity is to be maintained. However, 
the reverse operation, frequency to volt- 
age, is much easier. With this in mind, 
the method used here is firstly to convert 
voltage to frequency in a circuit which in 
isolation would not be very linear. The 
output frequency is however then con- 
verted back to voltage in another circuit 

(which this time is highly linear) and the 
output voltage used in a negative feed- 
back loop path so as to linearise the 
whole system. The overall linearity of 
the system will then approach that of 
the frequency-voltage convertor, pro- 
vided the feedback loop gain is high. 
Figure 1 shows the block diagram. The 
high gain differential comparator (A) 
accepts the input voltage and compares 




u \® 


* rTn 




. / 

© | 

it with the feedback voltage. The voltage- 
frequency convertor (B), which can be 
relatively non-linear, is driven from (AX 
Its output provides the system output, 
and also drives the highly linear fre- 
quency-voltage feedback stage (C). j 

The Basic Circuit 

This circuit is shown in figure 2. A* 
IC type 741 is used in conventioni 
manner as the differential comparator 
The system input voltage is applied U 
the non-inverting input pin 3, and thf 
feedback voltage to pin 2. The outpu 
from pin 6 then regulates the frequenq 
of the next stage in such a way that th« 
two inputs remain almost identic^ 
Capacitor Ci provides AC negative feed 
back, to prevent appreciable AC sigr 
appearing at pin 6. 

The IC type 709, with the other cc 
ponents in the dotted line box (B) afl 
figure 2, together form a square wav 
oscillator. Consider first the case wheJ 

Q'” all 


a/d converter 

elektor april 1975 - 449 

Figure 1. Block diagram of the complete 

Figure 2. The basic circuit. 

Figure 3. Showing extra transistor used to 
improve zero error. 

Figure 4. The final circuit of the convertor. 
The conversion factor is set by Rig. 

there is a negative voltage on C 3 . Of the 
two differential inputs of the 709 (which 
is a differential amplifier), pin 2 will be 
more negative than pin 3, due to current 
in R 6 from the negative rail. The output 
at pin 6 will therefore be hard positive, 
holding T 2 in saturation. Provided the 
741 output is sufficiently positive, C 3 will 
charge up via R 3 until it raises pin 2 
of the 709 to slightly above pin 3. As 
soon as this happens, the 709 output 
pin 6 rapidly goes negative, thus cutting 
off T 2 and allowing the system output 
to rise to a voltage determined at about 
8.2 V by D 6 . Immediately, the voltage 
pin 2 is drawn even more positive by 
current through R 7 . Thus the action is 
regenerative. This condition now remains 
for a time 1 1 , which is determined by the 
values of R 7 , Rg, R 9 , Rio, and C 4 . (The 
value of ti is not affected by the voltage 
on C 3 , because as soon as 709 pin 6 goes 
negative, C 3 is driven rapidly negative 
via R 14 , D 4 , and Ri S .) C 4 is charged 

positively via R 9 and Ri 0 until pin 3 
becomes more positive than pin 2, at 
which point the 709 output reverts, T 2 is 
once more turned on, and the cycle 
starts again with C 3 charging up. The 
result is a series of rectangular pulses at 
the output, whose width is ti and whose 
amplitude is constant (at the Zener 
voltage). Their PRF will however be 
determined by the time taken to charge 
C 3 , and hence by the 74 1 output voltage, 
so that overall the 741 input voltage con- 
trols frequency. D s is included to protect 
T 2 from excessive reverse voltage on its 
base. The circuit including Ti , R u , R 12 , 
Ri 3 , D 3 , and C s is put in to discharge C 4 
to zero at the end of the period t, , and 
is driven by the positive-going step 
change from the 709 pin 6. The regen- 
erative action, via T 2 , is speeded up by 
capacitor C6 . 

The frequency-voltage convertor is sur- 
prisingly simple, comprising only R 4 and 
C 2 ! It merely smooths out the AC com- 

ponent of the rectangular wave, leaving 
on C 2 the DC component, whose value 
is exactly proportional to the PRF, or 

Improved Performance 

It is a defect of the above system that 
the saturation voltage of T 2 (i.e. its 
collector-emitter voltage when turned 
hard on) is not exactly zero, but can be 
something around 40 mV. Worse still, this 
value varies with temperature. This has 
the effect of producing a zero error con- 
sidered at the system input, so that with 
short circuit (i.e. zero) input the output 
frequency cannot always be set to zero 
by R 23 . 

This can be balanced out as shown in 
figure 3. An extra transistor T 3 is used, 
which is biassed by R 19 and R 20 so that 
it is permanently in saturation. The de- 
gree of saturation is governed by R 20 , and 
can be adjusted so that the saturation 
voltage equals that which occurs in T 2 . 
This voltage is applied to pin 2 of the 74 1 , 
via R 2) , and since the value of R 21 almost 
equals the value of ( R j + R 4 ), the voltage 
at pin 2 is exactly zero when T 2 is 

An extra spin-off from this arrangement 
is that temperature variations in the satu- 
ration voltages of T 2 and T 3 will 
approximately track each other, and so 
be balanced out. 

This modification is shown in the revised 
circuit of figure 4, together with several 
other changes as follows: 

(a) R 2 is reduced to 10 k. 

(b) C 2 is increased to lp in order to 
improve accuracy for low input 
voltage levels, where frequency is 
of course low, and a longer time 
constant is desirable. 

(c) C 4 is increased to 10 n, improving 
linearity at high input voltage 

450 — elektor april 1975 

a/d converter 

S iiiiiSSsiiiliiiii 

'• i i 

(d) Trimmer R )0 is increased to 22 k, 
so that despite the increased 
C4 value, ratios of up to 10 KHz/V 
can still be set up. 

Setting-up procedure 

The sequence is as follows. The collectors 
ofT 2 and T 3 , and also the voltage input, 
are temporarily shorted to earth. The 
zero offset pot R 23 is then set to give 
zero volts at the 741 output. This adjust- 
ment is easier if a 100 k resistor is 
temporarily strapped across C, . The 
shorts across T 2 and T 3 , and the 100 k 
resistor can now be removed. 

The pot R 20 is set up for zero output 
frequency with zero input voltage. It 
should be remembered that since a 
negative frequency is meaningless (!) this 
setting should be approached by lowering 
the input voltage from positive towards 
zero, and observing the frequency to 
decrease and become zero simultaneous- 
ly with input voltage. In some cases it 
may be necessary to alter the value of 
R19, to compensate for unusual current 
gain values encountered in T 3 . In the 
same way, R 2 o can be increased to — 
say - 470 k. 

The next stage is to set the voltage- 
frequency conversion factor. The short 

Figure 5. Test results. 

Figure 6. PCB layout and component pos- 

Figure 7. Photograph of setting-up procedure. 
Here the DVM has accuracy better than 
0.035%, and the frequency counter better 
than 0.01%. 

circuit on the voltage input (obviously!) 
should be removed, and a source of 
exactly 1 V connected. To achieve the 
best accuracy of which the circuit is 
capable, this value should be set up with 
a digital voltmeter, or other instrument, 
having better than 0.1% accuracy. The 
output frequency can then be monitored 
on a counter and set up using the Pot R| 
to the value desired. The design centre] 
value for this circuit is 1 0 KHz/V, but of] 
course other values can be set up 

Performance Details 

Figure 5 gives graphs of the circi 
performance after setting up as describ 
above. The error in volts, over the whole] 
input range 0-1 V is less than 1.5 mV.] 
Further, the relative error over the rai 
7 mV to 2.5 V is less than 1% of readi 
The circuit was also tested without R ; 
connected. With R 20 it was set up wil 
short circuit input to zero Hz, and the 
with Rio to give 10 KHz for 1 V input| 
It is to be expected in this case that bol 
linearity and temperature stability woul 
be worse. Despite this, the accuracy « 

± 1% over the range 0.1-1 V was mail 

Best temperature stability will be ol 
tained by choosing C 2 , C 3 , and C4 car 
fully, poly-carbonate types being 11 
commended, (e.g. Siemens MKM). Lii 
earity can be further improved by usii 
a faster OP-AMP in place of the 709, an 
by replacing R4 by a constant-currei 
source. However, these sophisticatiol 
are only worthwhile if really accural 
test gear is available for setting up. | 



• fl 







elektor april 1975-451 



In response to numerous requests 
from readers we publish this 
LED-display chart to enable 
constructors to find their way 
through the jungle of seven- 
segment display data and to 
choose alternative displays to 
those specified in Elektor 

There are literally dozens of different 
seven-segment LED-displays currently 
available and it would be prohibitively 
expensive to specify and test every suit- 
able alternative display for Elektor pro- 
jects. This guide is intended to enable the 

home constructor to choose such alterna- 
tives himself. 

This guide is confined to displays with 
dual-in-line pin configuration and 
common-anode connection as this is the 
most popular format and these displays 
can be driven by the common 7447 TTL 
decoder driver or interfaced with MOS 
devices by single-transistor buffer stages 
The guide is divided into three sections: 

1 . The chart proper. 

2. Condensed data on the devices giving 
pin connections and important 
performance parameters. 

3. Hints on choosing devices and calcu- 
lating current limiting resistors etc. 

The Display chart 

This is used in a similar fashion to a 
mileage chart in a road atlas. The 
required device is first located in the 
diagonal list of type numbers (they run 
alphabetically by manufacturer, top left 
to bottom right). The proposed alterna- 
tive is similarly located and if the box 
where the corresponding row and column 
cross contains a circle than the devices 
are direct replacements for each other. 
If the box contains a P they are pin com- 
patible but the performance data should 
be checked to see if a substitution may 
be made. For instance, devices of differ- 
ent colours may be pin compatible. 

Figure 1. The LED-Display chart which may 
be used to find pin-compatible and direct 
replacement displays. 


elektor april 1975 — 453 

The Data 

The data has been extracted from the 
relevant manufacturers’ data sheets and 
presented in tabular form. An expla- 
nation of the symbols used is also given. 
Where a particular box in the table con- 
tains a dash this means either that the 
parameter is not specified or that the 
units are not the same as the units used 
in the table. For example, some manu- 
facturers specify luminous intensity in 
millicandelas whereas others specify 
brightness in foot-lamberts. 

When using the data to choose alterna- 
tive devices it is important to check the 
physical dimensions of the device. Many 
devices have bodies that overhang the 
pins, so when using a p.c. board on which 
several devices are stacked close together 
check that there is sufficient space to 
accommodate the width of the device 
you propose to use. Some devices have 
bodies which are not symmetrical about 
the pins but are offset to one side and 
these have been excluded from this guide. 

Choosing Seven-Segment Displays 

When choosing alternative devices to 
those specified in a project, note the 
following points: 

1. Devices that are not directly pin- 
compatible may often be used with slight 
modification. Many devices have similar 
connections for the segment cathodes 
and vary only in the connections to 
anode or decimal point. The most fre- 
quent connection for the common anode 
is pin 14. Some devices have additional 
anode connections, notably pins 3 and 9. 
In some cases the various anode pins are 
interconnected inside the package and 
are therefore redundant, in other cases 
the different anode pins are connected 
only to certain segments and must be 
connected externally. It is a simple 
matter to check which is the case. Con- 
nect one of the anode pins to a +5 V 
supply via a suitable limiting resistor and 
ground each of the segment pins and the 
decimal point pin in turn. If all the 
segments and the decimal point light then 
the anode pins are redundant and only 
one of them need be used. 

When using a device with redundant 
anodes in a circuit board with a single 
anode connection simply cut off the 
unused anode pins. When using a device 
with multiple non-redundant anode con- 
nections it is necessary to bend the extra 
pins inwards and link them to the pin 
used for the common anode connection 
to the circuit board. Devices with fewer 
anode connections than the device for 
which a board was originally intended 
present no problems, provided that the 
pins which will go into anode connection 
holes on the board are NC or may be 
cut off. 

2. Some devices are available in versions 
with left- or right-hand decimal point 
and are identical but for the decimal 
point connection. In applications where 
the decimal point is not required (for 
example clocks) the pin may be cut off 
if necessary. 

3. Having established that a device is, or 

Figure 2. Table of pin connections and 
performance data for LED-Displays. 

Figure 3. General appearance of a seven- 
segment LED-Dispiay showing letter desig- 
nation of segments and decimal points. 

Figure 4. Relationship between light wave- 
length and perceived colour. 

can be made, compatible with the board, 
the next thing to determine is whether 
the opto-electronic characteristics of the 
device are suitable. One of the most fre- 
quent of readers’ queries concerns the 
substitution of displays of different 
colours to the ones originally specified. 
Provided the electrical characteristics are 
suitable this is perfectly acceptable but it 
must be remembered that yellow and 
green devices are often less efficient than 
red ones. This is particularly true of 
older designs of device which are often 
available on the amateur market. Yellow 
devices are the least efficient of all. This 
effect is fortunately offset to some 
extent by the fact that the eye is more 
sensitive to yellow and green than it is 
to red light, so although yellow and green 
displays are often less bright than red 
displays operated at the same current the 
apparent brightness is not much less. 
Nevertheless the difference is often 

4. To ensure long device life it is advis- 
able to operate displays at or below the 
current specified in the If column. As 
this may involve recalculation of the 
cathode series resistors the formula is 
given below 

_ Vb ~ Vfe 

Rk = - 

(Vb is the supply voltage; Vf s and If can 
be found from the table). 

A similar calculation may be performed 
for the decimal point cathode resistor by 
substituting Vfa for Vf s . 

When displays are used in a multiplexed 
(strobed) mode then they are only on for 
one nth of the time, where n is the num- 
ber of displays being multiplexed. Conse- 
quently, to maintain the same brightness 
as if they were being driven continuously 
they will need to be supplied with 
n times the current for the time they are 
on. Most displays can be strobed at sev- 
eral times the continuous forward cur- 
rent I av . The formula for calculating the 
segment cathode resistors then becomes: 

- Vb~ Vfs 
nl f 

When operating with low supply voltages 
(e.g. TTL 5 V) it is advisable to subtract 
the saturation voltages of any transistors 
used in the multiplex drive circuitry 
from the supply voltage when calculating 


Of course, where it is desired to increase 
the current when using an alternative 
display it is necessary to ensure that the 
circuit can supply the extra current. 

454 - elektor april 1975 

modulation systems 

part 2 


As already announced in Part I, 
this instalment deals with Carrier 
Position Modulation (CPM), as 
well as with frequency and phase modulation. Frequency modulation has 
proved to be the best system for VHF broadcasting, while CPM is most 
suitable for speech transmission. 

Carrier Position Modulation (CPM) 

When a speech clipper is used, two 
questions arise: 

1. What can be gained by using this 

2. To what extent is intelligibility 

Experiments with HF clipping on SSB 
signals have demonstrated that intelli- 
gibility remains good even with infinite 
limiting, while the average power is 
increased by about 10 dB. If pre- 
emphasis is provided ahead of the LF 
chain, a further improvement in intelli- 
gibility results. 

Even with infinite limiting of an SSB 
signal there are still some variations in 
its amplitude, since the rapid phase 
jumps of SSB signals give rise to fre- 
quency components outside the trans- 
mitted frequency band. Since these 
components are filtered out of the 
(constant) RF signal, the resultant trans- 
mitted signal must contain amplitude 

If an SSB signal is to be purged of all 
amplitude variation, further signal pro- 
cessing is needed, and a PLL circuit 
happens to be suitable for this. Figure 16 
shows the block diagram of an arrange- 
ment for producing CPM signals. An 
SSB signal is produced from a pre- 
emphasised LF input, and after this 
signal has been limited it is fed to a PLL 
circuit. The VCO in this circuit will 
oscillate at the same frequency as the 
SSB carrier, but without any amplitude 
variations. Component values in the 

PLL are chosen to make it unable to 
follow rapid phase jumps in the SSB 
signal, so that the bandwidth of the 
CPM signal is not much greater than 
that of the original SSB-signal. Always 
provided that care is taken to maintain 
intelligibility, remarkably high efficiency 
can be achieved with CPM. 

Figure 17 shows the relationship be- 
tween intelligibility and receiver input 
voltage for different modulation sys- 
tems. These are based on tests with 
sequences of unrelated words, and on 
the use of an IF section of the most 
suitable form for each system. For the 
same degree of intelligibility, the 
necessary input voltage with CPM is 
less than a third of what is needed with 
AM. This means that a CPM signal needs 
only one-tenth of the power needed for 
a 1 00%-modulated AM-signal, to cover 
the same distance. CPM thus offers 
higher efficiency for a given transmitter 

CPM has only been known for a com- 
paratively short time, and amateurs have 
experimented very successfully in this 
field. Arrangements based on the prin- 
ciple outlined in figure 16 are generally 
used, but this unfortunately has some 
disadvantages. The input signal to the 
balanced modulator exhibits amplitude 
variations depending, among other 
things, on the speaker and the speaker’s 
distance from the microphone. The SSB 
signal must have greater amplitude than 
the carrier injected through Pi, the 
purpose of which is to suppress noise 

originating from the limiter when there 
is no modulation. In producing CPM, 
the LF signal must be suitably processed 
to avoid these subjective effects, and as 
already indicated, this cannot be done 
with clipping alone. 

The results obtainable with rapid com- 
pression are almost the same as those 
which can be achieved with logarithmic 
amplification, so the latter method is 
preferable because of its simplicity. 

The block diagram of a CPM transmitter 
with LF-signal processing is given in 
figure 1 8. A frequency band of 400 Hz 
to 3400 Hz from the microphone is 
amplified logarithmically and fed to the 
balanced modulator. The LF signal now 
has only a small degree of amplitude 
variation, and it is therefore possible to 
inject a higher level of carrier than 
would be acceptable without logarithmic 
amplification. This results in a better 
signal-to-noise ratio for the transmitted 

There is in addition another advantage 
to be gained from this configuration, 
namely that it can be used for phase 
modulation provided the level of carrier 
injection is sufficiently high. It can be 
shown that the PLL produces a phase- 
modulated signal if the balanced-modu- 
lator signal emerging from the filter is 
smaller than the injected carrier. The 
modulation index is a function of the 
quotient of these two voltages. 

After the VCO signal has been directly 
transposed to the desired transmission 
frequency, it can be brought up to the 
power required by a Class-C amplifier. 
CPM can be received in the same way as 
SSB, but as an unmodulated carrier 
component is available for part of the 
time, a PLL can be used. Since a CPM 
signal contains no amplitude infor- 
mation, amplitude limitation in the 
receiver raises no problems, and this 
offers a simple means of combating 
AM interference in mobile applications. 
By way of verification of the advantages 
of CPM, experiments were carried out 
with an Ultra Low Power transmitter 
using the principles of figure 18. A fre- 
quency of 27 MHz was used, and the 

Table 1. 


Present application 


Future applications 


Long-, medium- and shortwave 

very low 




communications networks 


very high 

present applications 


exceptionally high 

communications networks 
and citizens' radio 




high-quality broadcasting 

communications networks 

usually changed to FM with 
integrating networks 




present applications 

Long-, medium- and short- 
wave broadcasting 
current applications 

modulation systems 

Figure 16. CPM (Carrier Position Modulation) 
is effected by processing an infinitely-dipped 
SSB signal using a PLL. 

Figure 17. Relationship between intelligibility 
and receiver input-signal voltage (50% intelli- 
gibility is considered inadequate). Note that 
the order of merit gives first place to narrow- 
band FM (NB - FM), and not SSB. 

Figure 18. Intelligibility can be considerably 
improved and lining-up simplified by the use 
of low-frequency signal processing. 

Figure 19. The spectral distribution of an FM 
signal can be expressed with Bessel functions. 

transmitter power was approx. 20 mW. 
In order to compensate, to some extent, 
for the unfavourable topographical con- 
ditions for VHF propagation - hilly 
country - the transmitter and its aerial 
were located on a floor of a block of 
flats 50 metres up. A loaded aerial rod 
was used, and the calculated efficiency 
of this combination was 30%, so that 
the ERP barely amounted to 6 mW. The 
receiver used for this experiment has a 
sensitivity of 0.1 /iV with a bandwidth 

of 3 kHz and was equipped with a PLL 
of the type shown in figure 10 (see 
Elektor no. 2). 

In spite of the transmitting aerial height, 
the optical horizon radius was a bare 
7 km. Although reception within this 
area was subject to wide fluctuation, it 
was observed that the received signal 
did not drop below 0.2 #iV. 

The limit of receiver sensitivity was 
reached at a range of 10km, that is 
3 km beyond the optical horizon. 

When the transmitter was switched over 
to phase modulation, reception at the 
optical horizon was observed to have 
already become insufficient for reliable 

Frequency Modulation and Phase 
Modulation (FM and PM) 

When the frequency or the phase of a 
carrier is made to vary in accordance 
with information, this is known as fre- 

456 — elektor april 1975 

modulation systems 

quency modulation or phase modulation 

Both satisfy the relationship: 

V = V 0 sin(a)hf + m sinco[f t) (4) 

in the case of sinusoidal modulation. 
The difference between FM and PM lies 
in the modulation index m, which is 
defined for FM as: 

frequency deviation of the RF 
carrier with respect to the centre 

m _ frequency 

modulation frequency v 

and with phase modulation m is con- 
stant. The expression in (4) can be 
expanded to: 

V = V 0 J 0 m sin Whf t + 

Jim[sin(a>hf+wif)t + 

sinfcohf - wjf)t] + 

J2m[sin(o;hf + 2coif)t + 

sin(cohf - 2 o>if)t] + 

J3m[sin(cohf + 3wif)t - 
sin(cohf - 3coif)t] + . . . 

It can be seen from this that FM and 
PM generate a spectrum with infinite 
bandwidth. The term J n indicates a 
Bessel function of the nth order, whose 
magnitude decreases substantially as n 
increases. In practice both FM and PM 
can therefore be considered to have a 
finite bandwidth. Figure 19 shows the 
amplitudes of sideband components as 
a function of m. 

For FM broadcasting, a maximum fre- 


input signal, RMS (pV) — 

quency deviation of 75 kHz and a 
maximum modulation frequency of 
15 kHz were standardised at the outset. 
It follows from (5) that m = 5, and it 
can be read off from figure 19 that, 
with this modulation index, the relative 
amplitude of the seventh-order sideband 
is only 0.05. This can be neglected in 
most cases because maximum modu- 
lation does not occur at 15 kHz in 
practice. A rule-of-thumb formula, valid 
when m is unity or greater, is: 
B w = 2(m + l)fjf max, in which B w 
represents the —3 dB bandwidth, m is 
the modulation index at the maximum 
modulation frequency and fjf max is the 
maximum modulation frequency. 

The minimum bandwidth needed for 
mono FM then works out as: 
B^, = 180 kHz. For stereo FM the modu- 
lation index has been chosen, on com- 
patibility grounds, to enable the mono 
bandwidth to be used at the highest 
modulation frequency (53 kHz). The 
modulation index for the sub-canier 
signal conveying the stereo information 
can be shown to be 0.6 (as this is less 
than unity, the rule-of-thumb formula 
does not apply) which results in a 20 dB 
deterioration in signal-to-noise ratio. It 
can be derived from figure 19 that, 
with this low modulation index, the 
second-order sideband can be neglected 
in practice, as its relative amplitude is 
less than 0.05. The bandwidth required 
is then no greater than is needed for an 
AM system (2.fjf max). 


Mod. Index =4 j | j 


Mod. Index ■ 12 jjyyj 


Mod. Index -24 





b 4» H 

frequency deviation 

Figure 20. Relationship between distance 
covered and signal-to-noise ratio for AM (1), 
FM with 20 kHz deviation (2) and FM w 
75 kHz deviation (3). 

Figure 22. With low deviations, there is coi 
siderable improvement in intelligibility i 
low input-signal levels. 

Figure 23. These curves clearly show the 
superiority of narrow-band FM over AM of 
the same bandwidth. 

Figure 24. Spectra showing that bandwidth 
can be fully utilised by increasing the modu- 
lation index for lower frequencies. This is 
the case for FM, since the deviation is d< 
mined by the amplitude of the modulating 

Associated with this lower value of m is 
a drop in the maximum signal-to-noise 
ratio obtainable, and therefore in the 
suppression of both impulsive and 
adjacent-channel interference. 

One characteristic feature of FM is the 
threshold response: this means that the 
FM input signal strength must be above 
a certain value if it is to be usable. The 
threshold value goes down when a lower 
modulation index is used. This knowl- 
edge is based on research first carried 
out in the U.S.A. in the ‘thirties to 
determine whether AM of FM would be 
best for a reliable police radio network. 
Some of the results of these very 
extensive researches are reproduced in 
figures 20, 21, 22 and 23. 

The result of a terrain test is shown 
graphically in figure 20. In this case the 
transmitter location was fixed, while 
the receiver was mobile. Curve 1 is for 
AM, Curve 2 for FM with 20 kHz devi- 
ation and Curve 3 for FM with 75 kHz 
deviation. These curves show that a 
higher deviation is needed to give the 
high signal-to-noise ratio which hi-fi 
demands, but that a price has to be paid 
for this in terms of the maximum work- 
able range. 

Bearing in mind the 20-dB deterioration 
in signal-to-noise ratio with the present 
stereo system, it is of interest that stereo 
broadcasting using two separate trans- 
mission links, each with a deviation of 
only 20 kHz, would not only give a 
better signal-to-noise ratio, but would 
also offer a saving in overall bandwidth. 
For communication systems, used ex- 
clusively for speech transmission, a 
maximum modulation frequency of 
3 kHz is adequate. Higher values, up to 
5 kHz or 6 kHz, are used only when it 
is essential to transmit speech of very 
high intelligibility. 

Figure 2 1 shows a comparison between 
a system with 20 kHz deviation and one 
with 6 kHz deviation. It will be seen 
that the ultimate sensitivity of the 
narrow-band system is better by a factor 
of 2. In communications networks, a 
signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 
12 dB is regarded as just usable. 

The amateur transmitters’ readability 
gradings are also often quoted in intelli- 
gibility tests. In figure 22 the amateurs’ 
intelligibility gradings are plotted 
against input signal for different values 
of deviation. The narrow-band system is 
quite usable with an input of 2 /iV, while 
the system with a 20 kHz deviation is un- 
readable with this input. 

Although limiting sensitivity is consider- 
ably better nowadays because of im- 
proved reception techniques, this has 
no effect on the relationships between 
limiting sensitivities with the various 

A comparison between a narrow-band 
FM-system and an AM system with the 
same bandwidth is given in figure 23. 
The curves show the marked superior- 
ity of the FM system; this applies not 
only to intelligibility, but also to inter- 
ference suppression. This points to a 
possible alternative for medium waves 
which would at least reduce the chaos 
prevailing in this band. By re-engineering 
the present AM channels for narrow- 
band FM with a deviation of 4.5 kHz, 
a substantial improvement would be 

Anyone possessing a short-wave com- 
munications receiver equipped for 
narrow-band FM reception will find 
that, among others, a number of East 
European countries are radiating exper- 
imental narrow-band FM transmissions, 
particularly in the 25-m and 41-m 
broadcasting bands. These transmissions 
should be of particular service in shed- 
ding light on the effect of distortion 
caused by selective fading. This distor- 
tion seems to be considerably less with 
narrow-band FM than with AM and an 
envelope detector. As narrow-band FM 
is more compatible with AM than is SSB 
with a carrier, the change-over to 
narrow-band FM could take place 
gradually. This move is also advocated 
by the fact that, for the same signal-to- 
noise ratio, narrow-band FM would 
give a 70% saving in transmitter power. 
Particularly for narrow-band systems, I 
there is a great difference between I 



|— iDi-j 


' (FM + PM) 


-1 1- 







phase- and frequency modulation. Sup- 
pose, for example, that the deviation 
with FM is 4.5 kHz and the modulation 
frequency is 450 Hz, giving a value of 
10 for m. This will result in a large 
number of sidebands whose main energy 
content (J 8 in figure 19) is in the region 
of 9 kHz. 

With phase modulation m is constant so 
that, in the case of narrow-band PM, 
as a first approximation two sidebands 
will be produced, depending on the 
modulation frequency. The sidebands 
of AM and narrow-band PM are thus 
identical, and this makes it possible to 
receive PM with an SSB receiver. 

The efficiency of a communication 
system is highest when the available 
bandwidth is completely filled with 
information, and for this reason PM has 
a poorer signal-to-noise ratio than FM. 
This is illustrated in figure 24, where a 
higher modulation index is associated 
with lower modulation frequencies. 
Figure 25 shows a simple arrangement 
for producing a frequency-modulated 
oscillation by introducing a varicap into 
the LC circuit of a stable oscillator, so 
that the oscillator frequency will vary 
with modulation. This circuit can be 
changed over from FM to PM simply 
by feeding the modulation through an 
RC section whose cut off frequency is 
equal to the highest modulation fre- 
quency. As the building of an oscillator 
which satisfies Post Office stability 
requirements is not exactly a simple 
business, crystal-controlled oscillators 
are preferable. With these, however, 
direct modulation of the oscillator fre- 
quency is not possible, as the maximum 
deviation cannot be more than 200 parts 
per million. However a crystal oscillator 
giving phase and frequency modulation 
simultaneously may be used, and this 
can have the same overall effect for 
communications purposes. An example 
of such a circuit is given in figure 26. 

In many instances, however, the devi- 
ation obtained with this circuit will be 
too small, and the required deviation 
can then be obtained with a frequency- 
multiplier circuit. One of many possible 

variants of this circuit is shown in 
figure 27, and calls for a minimum 
number of stages. Crystal-controlled 
oscillators XTOi and XT0 2 oscillate at 
frequencies f] and f 2 . These frequencies 
are multiplied by n and (n + 1 ) respect- 
ively and then fed to a mixer stage, the 
output of which is tuned to: 

fout = ( n+ 1 ) f 2 -nfi. 

The two oscillators are modulated with 
opposite polarities, via a phase splitter, 
giving deviations of Afj and Af 2 respect- 
ively, so that the mixer output becomes: 

fout + ^h = 

(n+ l).(f 2 +Af 2 )-n(f, -Af,). 
This can be rearranged to give the 
value of the deviation fjj, i.e. : 

fh = (n+ 1)-Af 2 +nAfj. 

In the case where f j = f 2 and Afi = Af 2 , 
this gives: 

f h = (2n+ l)Afi, 
with a centre frequency: 

fout = • 

A practical value for n is three, as this 
can be effected with one stage of 
multiplication. This gives a seven-fold 
multiplication of the deviation, with an 
output frequency equal to that of the 
crystal oscillators. 

When FM signals are detected, imperfect 
demodulation causes divergences from 
theoretical values (e.g. for interference 
suppression), and these divergences 
increase as the bandwidth of the system 
is reduced. For this reason, special care 
should be devoted to the instrumen- 
tation of narrow-band FM systems, but 
unfortunately the opposite has been 
true in the past. 


It has been shown that there are only 
two modulation systems offering high 
efficiency, namely FM and CPM. How- 
ever, since CPM conveys no information 
on amplitude, this system is only suit- 
able for speech transmission. AM is in 
every respect the worst system. Although 
it appears at first sight to offer economic 
advantages, closer study shows up the 
disadvantages of AM such as energy 
wastage, wavelength clutter and its 
contribution to the warming up of the 

FM has rightly been chosen for high- 
quality broadcasting, but even FM is 
marred by distortion and noise when 
new systems, which reduce the modu- 
lation index severely, are introduced. 
Stereo broadcasting with its information 
bandwidth of 53 kHz is a striking 
example of this, but it would seem that 
yet another step in the wrong direction 
is about to be taken with the introduc- 
tion of quadraphonic broadcasting. For 
a number of quadra systems now being 
discussed, a bandwidth of ‘only’ 76 kHz 
is needed. In view of the widespread 
operation of FM transmitter networks 
with a channel spacing of 100 kHz, it 
would be preferable to look for tech- 
niques which do not call for any increase 
in the present bandwidth. 


Figure 27. With this arrangement, deviation 
can be increased without the increase in out- 
put frequency which occurs with direct 

Modifications to 
Additions to 
I mprovements on 
Corrections in 
Circuits published 


Steam whistle 

In the p.c.b. layout for the steam whistle 
(Elektor 1, p. 58), the electrolytic ca- 
pacitors C 4 , C 7 and C 9 are shown with 
the wrong polarity. The negative con- 
nections of C 4 and C 7 should be con- 
nected to the negative supply line near 
the emitter of T 2 ; the positive con- 
nection of C 9 should be connected to 
the cathode of Di . The circuit diagram 
(figure 2) is correct. 

PLL receiver 

TUP/TUN tester 

quadro in practice 

H/L logic probe 


elektor april 1975 - 459 









Wherever possible in Elektor circuits, transis- 
tors and diodes are simply marked 'TUP" 
(Transistor, Universal PNP), 'TUN' (Transistor, 
Universal NPN), 'DUG' (Diode, Universal Ger- 
manium) or ‘DUS' (Diode, Universal Silicon). 
This indicates that a large group of similar 
devices can be used, provided they meet the 
minimum specifications listed above. 

For further information, see the article 'TUP- 
TUN-DUG-DUS' in Elektor 1, p. 9. 

Table 2. Various transistor types that meet the Table 4. Various diodes that meet the DUS or 
TUN specifications. DUG specifications. 

BC 107 
BC 108 
BC 109 
BC 147 
BC 148 
BC 149 
BC 171 
BC 172 
BC 173 
BC 182 
BC 183 
BC 184 
BC 207 

BC 208 
BC 209 
BC 237 
BC 238 
BC 239 
BC 317 
BC 318 
BC 319 
BC 347 
BC 348 
BC 349 
BC 382 
BC 383 

BC 384 
BC 407 
BC 408 
BC 409 
BC 413 
BC 414 
BC 547 
BC 548 
BC 549 
BC 582 
BC 583 
BC 584 

Table 3. Various transistor types that meet the 
TUP specifications. 







BA 127 
BA 217 
BA 218 
BA 221 
BA 222 
BA 317 

BA 318 
BAX 13 

OA 85 
OA 91 
OA 95 
AA 1161 

Table 5. Minimum specifications for the 
BC107, -108, -109 and BC177, -178. -179 
families (according to the Pro-Electron 
standard). Note that the BC179 does not 
necessarily meet the TUP specification 
Oc.max = 50 mA). 



BC 107 

BC 177 

BC 108 

BC 178 

BC 109 

BC 179 

v ce 0 

45 V 

45 V 

20 V 

25 V 

20 V 

20 V 

V eb 0 

6 V 

5 V 

5 V 

5 V 

5 V 

5 V 


100 m A 

100 mA 

100 mA 

100 mA 

100 mA 

50 mA 

p tot. 

300 mW 

300 mW 

300 mW 

300 mW 

300 mW 

300 mW 

f T 

150 MHz 

130 MHz 

mi n 

150 MHz 

130 MHz 

150 MHz 

130 MHz 


10 dB 

10 dB 

10 dB 

10 dB 

4 dB 

4 dB 

The letters after the type number 
denote the current gain: 

A: a' (P. h fe ) = 125-260 
B: a' = 240-500 

C: a' = 450-900. 

Table 6. Various equivalents for the BC107, 
-108, . . . families. The data are those given by 
the Pro-Electron standard; individual manu- 
facturers will sometimes give better specifi- 
cations for their own products. 

460 - elektor april 1975 

led-level I 



In general, analogue pointer in- 
struments are used for level 
indicators. Another method of 
indicating amplitudes and power is to use LED's. The advantages of this 
system include higher resistance to shock, better legibility from greater 
distances and the fact that the response time is unaffected by the mech- 
anical time-constant of a conventional meter. 

Apart from a practical level meter additional circuits are discussed. The 
most important of these is a simple overload indicator. 

Figure 1 gives a simple circuit with 
which the voltage amplitude on the loud- 
speaker output of an amplifier can be 
converted into light intensity of lamp L, . 
The limiting resistor R, is necessary only 
if the lamp can be overdriven by the 
amplifier. Of course with a single supply 
rail amplifier the circuit of figure 1 must 
be connected after the loudspeaker out- 
put capacitor. Otherwise the lamp would 
be constantly fed from the d.c. mid-point 
voltage of the amplifier output stage. 
Lamp Lj must bum brightest at maxi- 
mum output power. This power is nor- 
mally limited by the supply voltage of 
the output amplifier. In most cases it can 
be said that the maximum output is 
obtained if the amplitude of the output 
voltage is about 2 volts less than the 
supply voltage (also in connection with 
increasing distortion). If, for example, 
the supply voltage of the amplifier is 
24 volts, the maximum swing of the 
output voltage will then be about 
22 volts peak-to-peak. 

The maximum RMS output voltage of 
the output stage (from the example) is 
half the peak-to-peak voltage divided by 
\/2. This is about 7.8 volts. The maxi- 
mum voltage of the lamp is 6 volts, so 
the surplus of 1.8 volts must drop across 
Rj. The resistance value of Ri can now 
be calculated by dividing the residual 
voltage (1.8 volts) by the 50mA which is 
the maximum current for the lamp. 

The level indicator 

Such a simple system can, at best, give 
only an approximate indication of out- 
put and its effectiveness depends on 
many factors such as ambient lighting 

and the eyesight of the individual user. 
A much better arrangement is to have 
a number of lamps or LEDs which light 
in sequence as the voltage is increased. 
This is the system used in the LED level 

The circuit is shown in figure 2. The input 
of the circuit is formed by potentio- 

meter P, with which the sensitivity is 
adjusted. The potentiometer is connected 
to the loudspeaker output of the ampli- 
fier. If the amplifier is fed asymmetrically 
(one supply voltage), potentiometer P! 
must be connected after the loudspeakei 
output capacitor. 

The circuit operates as follows: 


«imim mu mu mimcii; uuu r 


Part* list with figure 4 


Rl = 1 M 
R 2 = 330k 

R3.R4= ’Ok 

R 5 - 270ft 
R 6 = Ik 
R7.R8 = 47fi 

Pi ■= 1 M, preset potentiometer 


Ci - 0.47/i 

C 2 = IOOjU/10 V (see text) 

C 3 - 1 00fj/35 V 

t 1- t 2« t 3 " TUN (above Ufc - 
20 V: BC107a) 

T 4 = 2N1613 
T 5 = 2N2905 
D 1 ,D 2 - DUS 

Figure 1. The simplest form of level indicator 
can be made with a lamp and a resistor. As 
the output voltage increases, the lamp will 
produce more light. The indication of such a 
system is not accurate, and for small voltages 
the lamp does not light. 

Figure 2. The LED level indicator fitted with 
ten LED's. Each time the output voltage in- 
creases by about 0.7 V an additional LED will 
light up. If the LED's are mounted in line 
horizontally or vertically) the result is a ''ther- 
mometer" type indication. The length of the 
track is an indication of the amplitude of the 
output. It is possible to use lamps instead of 
LED's. Depending on the type of lamp used, 
the load resistors Ri i up to and including R20 
may be omitted. 

Figure 3. To obtain an indication at low out- 
put voltages the anode of diode Di of figure 2 
must receive a bias voltage. This is done by 
means of an additional adjustment potentio- 
meter (P v ), resistor (R v ) and diode (D v ). 

Figure 4. If the level indicator must be driven 
from a high-output-impedance or low-voltage 
source a preamplifier circuit can be used. Its 
voltage amplification is 100 or more, depend- 
ing on the gain of T3. 

Figure 4a. This voltage doubler can replace 
diode Di (figure 2) if the indicator fails to 
give full deflection. The voltage doubler con- 
sists of two diodes (D, and D r ) and two 
capacitors (C, and C r ). The doubler can only 
be used if the meter has an independent supply. 
As appears from the diagram, the loudspeaker 
zero and level meter zero (minus terminal of 
Ci) are not D.C. connected. 

The output voltage of the amplifier 
arrives on diode Di via potentiometer Pj . 
This diode rectifies the signal positively. 
Via D, capacitor C, is charged. If the 
voltage across C, increases, there will 
come a point where T, conducts. If the 
voltage on Ci rises further, transistor T 2 
will be driven into conduction via re- 
sistor R, . 

A resistor and LED are included in the 
collector of T 2 . When T 2 conducts, 
the LED lights. If the voltage on C, rises 
still further, transistor T 3 conducts be- 
cause its base is driven via diode D 2 and 
resistor R 2 . Now LED D, 2 will also light. 
As long as the voltage on capacitor C ! 
keeps rising, another diode in the chain 
D 2 ... D 2 i conducts. Each of the corre- 
sponding transistors (T 2 ... T„) and 
LEDs (Du ••• D 20 ) also conducts. When 
the emitter potential of T, is about 
7 volts, all ten LED’s will be lit. 

elektor april 1975 — 46 1 

If the LED’s are placed in line horizontal- 
ly or vertically the result is a light track 
whose length is proportional to the out- 
put amplitude of the amplifier. Potentio- 
meter P 2 in the emitter circuit of Ti 
serves to adjust and limit the current. 
The indicator responds rapidly to an 
increase of the output voltage of the 
amplifier. The decay time of the meter 
(light track) depends on the value of 
capacitor Cj. 

At a greater capacitor value the decay 
time becomes longer. At the indicated 
value for Ci the decay time is about 
0.3 seconds. 

The circuit may also be fed from higher 
voltages. But then the values of R,, up to 
and including R 20 must be adapted. The 
proper values can be calculated if we 
assume that the supply voltage drops at 
least 1 .5 volts across a LED and that the 
current through the resistors is about 

elektor april 1975 

40mA. (Ensure that the LED’s used will 
stand this current). 

If the supply voltage is more than 20 volts 
it is not possible to use a TUN. Up to a 
supply voltage of 40 volts the TUN’s can 
be replaced by BC107a or BC107b. 
Instead of LED’s ordinary incandescent 
lamps can be used. Their operating 

Figure 5. This overload indicator can be used 
universally. The input must be connected to 
the output of the amplifier before the output 

Figure 6. If the level indicator must give an 
audiophysiologically corrected indication, this 
network may be connected between the loud- 
speaker output and the input of the meter. 

voltage can best be chosen to equal the 
supply voltage. In that case a load 
resistor (R n up to and including R 20 ) is 
not needed. 

A drawback of the circuit of figure 2 is 
that the first LED begins to conduct only 
after a bias has been built up. If this is 
unacceptable, the circuit can be pre- 
biased with a resistor, potentiometer, and 
diode. Figure 3 gives a detailed drawing 
of the input circuit of figure 2 with the 
additional components. The bias is ad- 
justed with potentiometer P v . Diode D v 
serves only to avoid extra loading of the 
positive-going loudspeaker signal. 

Level preamplifier 

If the level indicator must be connected 
to a point in the amplifier where there is 
not sufficient voltage (and power) to 
drive it, the circuit of figure 4 may be 
used. This circuit is inserted between the 

connecting point in the amplifier and I 
potentiometer Pj of figure 2. 

The input impedance of the circuit of I 
figure 4 is about 270 k. The voltage I 
amplification with P] at maximum is I 
1 00 X or more. This depends on the gain j 
of transistor T 3 . The circuit of figure 4 I 
may be connected to supply voltages I 
between 1 2 volts and 40 volts. For sup- I 
plies higher than 20 volts the TUN’s I 
must be replaced by transistors which I 
can withstand this voltage (for example 
BC107). Furthermore, the operating I 
voltage of capacitor C 3 should be at least J 
equal to the supply voltage. 

If the supply voltage for the circuit of I 
figure 4 is less than 20 volts, the level I 
meter cannot be fully driven under nor- I 
mal conditions. To achieve this, diode D! | 
(from figure 2) must be replaced by a I 
voltage doubler, so that capacitor C] (of I 
figure 2) receives about twice the voltage I 
(see figure 4a). 

Overload indicator 

It can be quite handy if a power amplifier I 
is provided with a device that indicates I 
when the amplifier is overdriven: an I 
overload indicator. Figure 5 gives a prac- | 
tical example. The input is connected to I 
the output of the amplifier. Since we are 
now concerned with overdrive, the input I 
must be connected before the loud- I 
speaker elco. 

The threshold level of the overload I 
indicator may be adjusted by potentio- I 
meter P! . This adjustment must be such I 
that if a certain level is exceeded, the I 
fiA 741 switches, and produces a positive I 
voltage. This voltage drives transistor T i . 

The emitter circuit of Ti includes an I 
incandescent lamp or LED which then I 1 
lights. I * 

The overload indicator of figure 5 can I 
also be used for higher voltages (up to I 
37 volts). The value of resistor R 3 must I 
be increased in proportion with the 1 
higher supply voltage. To ensure the I 
survival of the IC, the input voltage I 
should not be more than the supply I 
voltage. For this reason an extra resistor I 
(Rx) of 10 ... 22k in the input lead may I 
be needed. 

Physiological correction 

If the level indicator must give an audio- I 
physiologically corrected indication, the I 
network of figure 6 can be connected I 
oetween the meter and the loudspeaker I 
output. This network gives an attenua- I 
tion of about 4 X. If the input voltage is I 
then insufficient to drive the meter to I 
maximum indication, there are two pos- I 
sible solutions. The voltage doubler of I 
figure 4a can be used, or alternatively I _ 
the circuit of figure 4 can be connected I s 
between the correction network output ■ Li 
and the input of the level indicator. In I* 
that case potentiometer P! and the I ■ 
capacitors Ci and C 2 can be omitted- “ 
from the circuit of figure 4. 

With the audio-physiologically corrected 
level meter it is necessary to use an over- 
load indicator, because it is impossible 
to see when the amplifier is giving its 
peak power. M 


elektor april 1975 - 463 


Quadrophonic cartridge 
from Elac 

A new range of pickup cartridges 
manufactured by Electro-acoustic 
GmbH of West Germany is now 
available in Great Britain. 
Illustrated is the 
ELAC STS 655- D4 cartridge, 
which is designed for playing 
quadrophonic carrier discs. It is 
fitted with a parabolically ground 
Shibata diamond stylus and will 
track at up to 50 kHz. The 
cartridge may also be used with 
normal stereo or matrix quadro- 
phonic discs. Elac cartridges range 
in price from £10- £49. 

Camouflaged Speakers 

For those who wish their Hi-Fi to 
be unobtrusive, the ECHONICA 
speakers from Japan may be the 
answer. Having the appearance of 
a picture in a frame only 
1 Vi inches deep, these speakers are 
designed for wall mounting. The 
'canvas’ of the picture is the 
loudspeaker diaphragm and a 
range of 60 pictures is available. 
The price is £47.00 a pair plus 


Low-cost 50-ohm 

A new sweep/function generator 
is available from Dana Electronics 
Ltd. The model 196 A offers sine, 
triangle, square, pulse, ramp and 
sweep waveforms over the range 
0.1 Hz-1 MHz, in seven ranges. 
The generator will provide 10 V 
open-circuit or 20 V into a 
50 ohm load. Attenuation up to 
70 dB is provided in two 20 dB 
fixed steps and a 30 dB variable. 
An internal sweep generator will 
sweep the output frequency over 

up to three decades, with sweep 
rates from 1 mS to 10 S. A 
separate TTL compatible square- 
wave output is provided. Size is 
187 x73 x 216 mm (7.5 x 2.9 x 
8.6 inches) and it weighs less than 
1 kg. Price is £195. 

Logic Probe 

A new TTL/DTL logic probe is 
available from Intercontinental 
Components Ltd. Readout is by 
four LED’s. H and L to indicate 
high or low logic states at the 
input and Q and Q, to indicate the 
state of a storage latch, which 
toggles on a positive transition at 
the input The probe derives its 
45 mA supply current from the 
circuit under test and is reverse 
polarity protected. Probe input 
current is 2.4 mA max. and 
response time is 50 ns. The 
one-off price is £1 1.50. 

New family of low-power 
TTL devices 

National Semiconductor have 
announced the start of volume 
production of a new range of 
low-power TTL devices known as 
54 LS/74 LS Low-Power 
Schottky or LPS. The first nine 
types, 74 LS00, 01, 03, 04, 10, 
12, 20, 22, and 30 are now 
available in quantity. Suggested 
resale unit prices in lots of 100’s 
are £0.20 for all gates, except 
the 74LS04 which is priced at 
£0.22. It is anticipated that, by 
mid-1976, all of the popular 
circuits that are now in the 
standard 54/74 family will have 
been duplicated. 

The 54LS/74LS devices are 
claimed to have the best speed-to- 
power ratio of any high-speed 
logic family on the market 
Compared with standard 
TTL devices, low-power 

Schottky logic dissipates only 
one-fifth the amount of power 
(2 mW per gate) while making no 
sacrifice in operating speed. 
Low-power Schottky will replace 
most high-speed TTL logic, and 
can be used in some Schottky 
TTL applications, as well as 
standard TTL, since the LS series 
has dynamic characteristics that 
closely approximate those of the 
standard 54/74 TTL It is possible 
to remove a 7400 device and 
insert a 74 LS 00 device in its 
place and obtain the same speed 
with lower power consumption. 

Compact digital 

The ‘Danameter’ is an almost 
pocket-sized digital multimeter 
from Dana Electronics Ltd. The 
instrument is powered by a single 
9 V transistor radio battery, 
which should last for up to a year 
of normal use, and has a 3!4 digit 
liquid crystal display that adjusts 
itself to ambient light levels. 
Sixteen ranges are selectable by 
means of a single, 18-position 
switch, with two positions for 
‘off’ and battery test. The case is 
moulded in high-impact a-b.s. 
plastic and the manufacturers 
claim that the meter will survive 
bench-high drops and drastic 
electrical overloads such as 250 V 
on the ohms ranges. Ranges are 2, 
20, 200 and 1000 D.C. and A.C. 
20 p A, 2 mA, 200 mA and 2A 
D.C. 200 ohms, 20 k and 2 M. 
Dimension are 102 x 184 x 
57 mm. (4 x 7.25 x 2.25 inches) 
and the weight is 0.45 kg (1 lb.). 
Price of the basic Danameter is 

Versatile Multimeter 

A new multimeter is available 
from Metrawatt U.K. Ltd. The 
Unigor A42 Multimeter has a total 
of 30 measuring ranges for 
A.C./D.G current and voltage, 
and resistance. 

Ranges are: D.C volts, 60 mV- 
12 kV, accuracy 
± 1% F.S.D. 

A.C volts, 6 V- 
12 kV, accuracy 
± 1% F.S.D. 

/' N 

D.C amps, 60 flA- 
30 A, accuracy 
± 1% F.S.D. 

A.C. amps, 0.6 mA- 
30 A, accuracy 
± 1.5% F.S.D. 

ohms, 0-1 M, accu- 
racy ± 1.5% full 

± 6% true value at 

The instrument is shock-proof 
and overload protected, 
measures 212 x 110 x 82 mm 
(8.5 x 4.4 x 3.3 inches) and 
weighs 1 kg (2.2 lb.). A range 
of accessories is available. One-off 
price is £55. 

New Varactor Diodes 

The ITT Components Group is 
introducing a number of new 
types of varactor diode. This VUE 
series consists of an improved 
range of step-recovery mesa 
diodes with a screened epitaxial 
structure. These components can 
be used in frequency multipliers 
with output frequencies from 
4-8 GHz to 10-14 GHz. 

The VUE series comprises the 
tuning diodes VSA413H, 
VSA417H, VYA413H and 
VYA417H, all of which are 
suitable for the VHF and UHF 
bands as well as for microwave 
frequencies. The minimum quality 
factor at 50 MHz is 1000 for the 
41 3H types and 800 for the 
417H types. 



Telephone (061 1 432 4946. Shop hours: 0*ly 9-6.30 p.m.. 9-1 Sots 


Messe’Tr l S J 

I6.-Z4. April # l# 

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in stock 

We specialise in high-quality components at 
unbeatable prices. 

Full range of Elektor boards ex-stock. 

MOS Clock (two boards) £ 1-90 

TV Sound £1-30 

High quality Disc Preamp £ 0-85 

Aerial Amplifier £ 0-85 


283 Edgware Road, London W2. 
Tel. 01-262 8614 


D-5133 Gangelt 1, W-Germany Tel. (W. Germany) 02454-5055 

Hours of business 9.30 - 6.00 
Monday to Saturday 

Now you can 
change record-speeds 
without changing 

WeVe done away with the turntable and pick-up arm. 
old turntable speed-control, on The tracking error of the practically frictionless 

this very advanced Philips GA209 pick-up arm is very small, 
record deck. Side thrust compensation is adjustable for all 

Simply by placing a record on playing weights for both spherical and elliptical styli. 
the turntable the correct speed is The top cartridge from the Super M range, the 

electronically chosen and the GP412, is supplied as standard, 

pick-up lowered gently into the 
run-in groove. 

At the end of the record the turntable stops and 
the arm returns to the rest. 

This facility ensures that both the record and 
stylus are fully protected. 

In manual operation, the pick-up can be 
positioned over the grooves and lowered by means 
of a touch control. 

The mechanism permits very accurate positioning. 

Controlled by a servo motor via electronic touch 
controls, it can be operated whether the deck is used 
manually or as a fully automatic deck. 

Electronic control makes sure that the turntable 
speed is kept constant. 

Separate fine speed controls for 33 '/j and 45 rpm. 
allow the record to be tuned to the pitch of any 
musical instrument. 

The photo-electric stop switch is completely 
soundless and frictionless. 

High stability and insulation against shocks and 
vibration are ensured by the floating suspension of the 


Sim ply years ahead